Virtual learning has presented many challenges for students, teachers, and parents during the Fall 2020 semester. All those involved in the school system have been asked to make changes to their routine, perception, and participation in school activities. In person meetings and lessons have been replaced with Zoom calls. Digital assignments have replaced paper packets, and class culture has been built via video conferences and online learning. What changes we have seen to school this year!
Yet with all of these changes and challenges we have faced in 2020, our students have risen to the occasion. Mariam Boyd Eagles have adjusted and transitioned to a virtual classroom with the help and support of their parents, classmates, and teachers.
This past week, Mariam Boyd students were honored for their efforts the past 2 quarters and rewarded for both attendance, behavior, and academic excellence. Mariam Boyd staff worked hard to prepare gift bags and goodies for all students with perfect attendance and positive behavior. Students who received Honor Roll and Principal's list for the first 2 six week grading periods were awarded as well. In a drive through style awards pick-up, Mariam Boyd was pleased to award our Eagles for their efforts and accomplishments so far this school year. Keep up the good work!