Review our District Improvement Plan
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Password: wcs23Watch the presentation at the Board of Education meeting
See the slides presented to the Board of Education
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Tell us what you think about the proposed District Improvement Plan.
District Improvement Plan
Warren County Schools has been designated as a low performing district by the North Carolina State Board of Education. A low performing district is one in which the majority of the schools in the district have been identified as low-performing schools. The State Board of Education has found that 83 percent of Warren County Schools have been identified as low performing. North Carolina law requires the State Board of Education to annually classify schools as low-performing if they receive a performance grade of D or F, regardless of whether or not they met expected growth.
As a low performing district, we are required to develop an improvement plan that specifically addresses how the district will improve both the school performance grade and school growth score of each low-performing school, and how the superintendent and other central services administrators will work with each low-performing school and monitor the low-performing school's progress. We presented a preliminary District Improvement Plan to our Board of Education during their meeting on Tuesday, October 22, 2024.
Review our District Improvement Plan using the state’s NC Star system.
Login: wcs23
Password: wcs23
Watch the presentation at the Board of Education meeting.
See the slides presented to the Board of Education.
Our goal is to improve each school’s performance and growth score to ensure all of our schools are no longer designated as low-performing. We will increase student and school performance by focusing on the following priorities:
Implement a district-wide instructional framework and expectations for Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), including core, supplemental, and intensive supports
Implement targeted interventions with data-driven strategies for underperforming subgroups of students (Black, Multilingual Learners, and Students with Disabilities)
Implement data trackers to expand targeted small-group instruction in identified areas during and after school hours
Implement quarterly district-wide data review sessions to align instructional practices with targeted instruction for student growth data
Provide professional development for staff focused on social-emotional learning and effective classroom management strategies
Provide professional development in standards-aligned instructional strategies, focusing on math and reading for all teachers
While we are committed to improving our school performance scores, it is important to remember that just as no one single score or grade tells the whole story of a student, neither does it tell you everything about the performance of a school or the opportunities that our district provides, like:
Our Spanish Immersion School where students are taught in both English and Spanish, learning a language and culture they may not otherwise understand. Our Spanish Immersion program shows students how to think globally yet act locally. Research shows that full immersion programs like ours not only teaches students a foreign language, it strengthens their understanding of their native language as well. (Northside Elementary)
Our Early College High School provides students the opportunity to earn college credits and Associate Degrees while still in high school, without having to pay college tuition. (Warren Early College High)
Our Google School teaches digital competency, the efficient use of technology, and introduces students to experiences and learning opportunities that are only available online. Our Google technology program enhances our traditional face-to-face teaching and learning. (Mariam Boyd Elementary)
Space Force JROTC is the second in the country and one of just a few in the nation selected to switch from Air Force to Space Force. Students have the opportunity to learn about aerospace, military protocols, engineering, critical thinking, and problem solving. (Warren County High)
SparkNC partnership allows our high school students to explore a wide variety of high-tech careers, like artificial intelligence, gaming, software development, computer systems engineering, and cybersecurity while they earn high school credit and make professional connections for future employment. (Warren County High)
We hope you will closely follow your student’s academic progress and work with their teachers to help ensure they stay on track academically. Working together as a team, we can improve not only how well our students are performing individually, but how our schools are performing as a whole. There is nothing more important to Warren County Schools administrators and teachers than ensuring students are ready for the next step in their academic careers. We look forward to working with you to make sure your student is on track for success.
School Improvement Plans
To view each school's improvement plan, click on the school's name, logo, or go to the state’s NC Star system website and use the login and password information for the school you want to see.

Mariam Boyd Elementary
Login: GuestS17577
Password: GuestS17577
Northside Elementary
Login: Guest17578
Password: Guest17578
Vaughan Elementary
Login: Guest17580
Password: Guest17580
Warren County Middle
Login: GuestS15479
Password: GuestS15479
Warren County High
Login: guests5981
Password: guests5981
Warren Early College
Login: GuestS17581
Password: GuestS17581