December 4, 2021
Ever wonder...
Is it really ok to eat food off the floor following the 5 second rule? What's a fun and creative way to turn on your holiday lights? How do hydraulics work?...

November 15, 2021
Monday evening, the Warren County Board of Education unanimously voted to hire Keith Sutton as Superintendent. His new contract runs from January 1, 2022 - June 30, 2025. Mr. Sutt...

October 29, 2021
This week, the Board of Education approved a change to the 2021-22 school calendar, giving students off Friday, November 12, 2021. Students were already scheduled to be off Thu...

October 14, 2021
Date: Saturday, October 23, 2021 Time: 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. What: Free virtual event for current and future business leaders Host: NC Research and Engagement Group (NC ...

October 11, 2021
Indigenous Peoples’ Day is celebrated on the second Monday of October, which falls on October 11 this year. It's an opportunity to honor the cultures and histories of Native Ameri...

October 7, 2021
Vaccination and testing deadlines for all staff
October 9, 2021 | First dose of COVID-19 vaccine
You must receive at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by October 9...

October 7, 2021
For Student-Athletes
Upcoming vaccination and testing deadlines for all student-athletes, including returning athletes for winter and spring sports!
October 9, 2...

October 5, 2021
Rescheduled Homecoming Game : Friday, October 22, 2021 (also Senior Night) Rescheduled Veterans Appreciation Night : Monday, October 18, 2021 No games : October 9 a...

September 24, 2021
¡Escuelas del Condado de Warren celebra el Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana!
Fast facts:
Nearly 10% of our students identify as Hispanic That’s more than 150 student...

September 22, 2021
Reminder: Thursday, September 23rd is an early release day for all Warren County Schools.
All schools will dismiss students at 12:30 p.m. Thursday.
All students wi...
Vaughan Elementary and Warren County High School switch to remote learning due to staffing shortages
September 1, 2021
In order to provide you with accurate and reliable information, we want to let all families and staff know that Vaughan Elementary and Warren County High School have been moved to...

August 13, 2021
Warren County Students and Families,
Welcome to the 2021-22 school year! I am honored to start my first year as your Interim Superintendent. We’re working hard to make sure eve...

August 13, 2021
WARRENTON - This week, Interim Superintendent Keith Sutton and the Board of Education appointed seven key hires for Warren County Schools; a Chief Communication and Engagement Of...

July 1, 2021
Superintendent Mr. Sutton addresses those gathered during his swearing in ceremony.

May 13, 2021
Summer Learning Invitations are on the way! Camp Luau will run from June 14-July 30, 2021 from 8am - 2:30pm, Monday through Thursday.

March 2, 2021
Please see the video below for more information:

March 1, 2021
Please see the Video below for more information:

February 16, 2021
In lieu of the regular Educator of Excellence celebration, which did not occur this year due to the cancellation of the annual Conference on Exceptional Children, the North Carol...

December 18, 2020
In lieu of the regular Educator of Excellence celebration, which will not occur this year due to the cancellation of the annual Conference on Exceptional Children, the North Caro...