Starting tomorrow, we will continue to distribute food at Vaughan ES, Northside K-8 and Warren County High School. There will be a one-time pick up of food from 11am – 4pm. This one time pick up will include a combination of breakfast and lunch/dinner items.
We understand that many of our parents don’t have transportation. As we look to assist you in providing food to our communities, we are asking that you contact us at (252) 257-3184 or complete the Google form on our website TODAY by 5pm, so we can determine the needs of our community. Once we identify the needs of our community, we will determine next steps.
Thanks again for your support and patience!
Dr. Mary Young

🚩Crisis Resources🚩

💙💛Tips for Managing Stress & Anxiety during Times of Uncertainty 💛💙

Food Distribution For Students
Please see below for important food distribution updates for Warren County Students. Students do not have to be present for parents to pick meals.
Due to restrictions of the Covid 19, the following sites will be pick up only for “Grab-n-Go” meals (sidewalk distribution):
Monday, March 16, 2020 - Warren County High School only
Meals will be passed out from 11:00am to 1:00pm
Tuesday, March 17, 2020 - Friday, March 20, 2020
The following sites will be open for pick up only:
Northside K8
Warren County High School
Breakfast can be picked up from 8:30am - 9:30am
Lunch can be picked up from 11:30am - 1:00pm
Please stay tuned for more updates.

Educational Packets will be distributed using a drive-through process for all Mariam Boyd Students. Parents must pick up during the below time periods.
Monday 3/16: 10 am - 4 pm
Tuesday 3/17: 10 am - 6 pm
Wednesday 3/18: 8am - 12pm
Please ensure student work is picked up by Wednesday 3/18. Stay tuned for more updates.

Parents can pick up student work packets curbside on Monday, March 16th from 10 AM to 4 PM, Tuesday from 10 AM to 6 PM and Wednesday from 8 AM to 12 noon Parents will not be allowed in the building.

Hi Parents! Please see attached dates for important upcoming events!
March 4th, 12th, and 13th
Thursday, March 12th from 1 PM-6:45 PM
Tuesday - Thursday, March 17th, 18th, and 19th

NCAE donates to Mariam Boyd Elementary in honor of "Read Across America." Thanks, NCAE!

Pre-K Registration is coming up! Mariam Boyd will hold Registration on Thursday, April 16th from 1-6 PM. Please ensure you have the required documents prior to attending our registration event. See attached flyer for more information!

Good evening Parents:
We will be having our Black History program on Thursday, February 13th at 6:00 p.m. Grades Pre-K through 5 will be participating. Please come out and support our students in our Black History program.

The Warren County School District is considering moving to one school calendar for all schools within the district beginning with the 2020-21 school year. Your input is needed to assist the district in making a decision on which calendar is preferred by the students, parents, staff, and stakeholders. Please click on the link below and complete a short, 3 question survey regarding calendar options.

Pre - K Students in Ms. Sidberry's class are using a new collaborative program in their class.

Good Evening! Please be reminded of Mariam Boyd's Family night taking place tomorrow, January 30th at 6 PM. There will be important information regarding the second half of the school year, homework tips, and a free hot dog supper! We can't wait to see you there!

Hi Parents! See below for some important reminders regarding events coming up this week:
1) Fifth Grade Benchmark testing: Wednesday 1/22 and Thursday 1/23
2) Friday 1/24 is awards day!
Pre-K- 2nd @ 9 AM and 3rd-5th @ 10:30 AM
3) Friday 1/24 is an Early Release day of 12:30

Former EC director, Mr. Odell Clanton, visited Mariam Boyd on December 17th to perform a Magic show for students in Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First Grades! Thank you, Mr. Clanton!

Mariam Boyd staff members get in the "Holiday Spirit" by celebrating with an "Ugly Sweater" dress up day!

Good Evening, Parents! This week on Tuesday, December 17th, FREE bike helmets will be available for Kindergarten and 1st Grade Mariam Boyd students. Helmets will be available in the cafeteria from 2 to 3 PM and MUST be picked up by a parent.

Mariam Boyd's own Elaine Smith was recognized at the December Board Meeting as a county "Stellar Performer." Thank you, Ms. Smith for all that you do!

Principal Brewer is recognized at the December board meeting as we celebrate Mariam Boyd "Meeting Expected Growth" during the 2018-2019 school year! Go Eagles!

Mariam Boyd student Zy'Liah Lynch was honored tonight at the December Board Meeting as she received the "Light of Character" award for "Cooperation." We are proud of you, Zy'Liah!