Bulldogs Bulletin. Northside Elementary School Dr. Kenya K. Grant, Principal. Picture of Dr. Grant and a bulldog.

Dear Families,

As we head into another exciting week at Northside Elementary, here are a few important reminders and announcements to keep everyone informed:

Medical Health Packets
Parents, please complete and return the medical health packets as soon as possible. It's vital that we have all necessary health information updated and on file for the safety and well-being of our students. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Nurse Espinosa for more information.

Breakfast and Arrival Time
Breakfast for K-5 students ends daily at 8:15 AM. Please ensure your scholar arrives on time to take advantage of this opportunity and starts the day off right!

Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures
Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we adjust to new expectations for pick-up and drop-off. For safety and efficiency, please remember to remain in your vehicle during these times. Your support in following these procedures is greatly appreciated!

Parent Data Night
Mark your calendars for Wednesday, September 25, 2024, from 5:00-6:30 PM for our Parent Data Night. This is a critical opportunity for you to stay informed about your child’s academic progress and learn strategies to support their learning at home. Teachers will share important student data, explain academic benchmarks, and provide actionable tips to help your scholar succeed. We encourage all parents to attend as we work together to build a strong home-school connection.

National Hispanic Heritage Month
We are excited to announce that Northside Elementary will begin celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month from Monday, September 16 to October 15, 2024. During this time, we will recognize and honor the rich culture, history, and contributions of Hispanic and Latinx communities. We look forward to engaging our students in activities and lessons that reflect the importance of this celebration.

DEAR Time (Drop Everything And Read)
We are thrilled to announce the start of DEAR Time! Beginning Monday, September 9, 2024, from 8:15-8:45 AM, all students and staff will participate in this daily reading time. It’s a schoolwide initiative to foster a love of reading and improve literacy across all grades. Please make sure your scholars arrive on time to participate.

Tri-Weekly Testing
Tri-weekly testing for grades 3-5 will take place from Tuesday, September 17 through Thursday, September 19, 2024, from 8:30-10:30 AM. Please ensure your scholars are well-rested and prepared.

A Heartfelt Thank You
We want to express our sincere gratitude to you, our wonderful parents, for choosing Northside Elementary as your child’s educational institution. We are proud to partner with you in your scholar's journey of learning and growth.

Shout-Out to Our Staff
A huge shout-out to our amazing staff for their hard work and dedication! We are One Team, with One Vision, and One Mission—to be the best we can be, every single day. We are excited for another great week of teaching and learning.

Thank you again for your continued support. Let’s make this week another success!


Dr. Kenya K. Grant
Principal, Northside Elementary School