Northside Parent Notification: We are aware that there may be some teachers and students who are experience or will experience internet issues between today and tomorrow, due to weather conditions. If your child's teacher is experiencing internet issues at any time, a Dojo message will go out and work should already be on google classroom for your child to complete. Parents if your child is experiencing internet issues please contact the teacher directly via Dojo, email or text, so that your child's attendance may be adjusted. Thank you and please continue to be safe.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Special thank you to all the parents, students and staff who came out to celebration with us for the drive through awards ceremony. Congratulations to all our Northside Bulldog students who received awards this afternoon. Shout to all our students who may not have received an award this time, but are working towards getting an award next time. Special thank you to all our staff members who cheered all our students on as they received their awards. Special thank you to Mr. Hickey who assisted with the preparation of the awards. The Warren Count School District has just announced that all school buildings will be closed tomorrow (February 18,, 2021) due to the potential of an ice storm. Staff will continue providing excellent customer service remotely. Please listen to the District calls that will keep you informed regarding classes tomorrow. Please continue to be safe!
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Northside K-8 now serving meals from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Parents if your child is experiencing internet issues, due to power outages please contact your child's teacher. Teachers have been informed to give student credit for today(February 16, 2021), as long as contact has been made with the parent.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Northside Parent Notification: No Class Today, February 15, 2021, due to internet and power outages experienced by students and staff. Northside K-8 building is closed, due to no power at this point in time. Awards Day Rescheduled Parent Notification: Due to the now 100% chance for rain predicted for Thursday, February 18, 2021, Northside’s K-8 Awards Day drive through ceremony has been rescheduled for this Wednesday, February 17, 2021 (4:30pm.-5:30 pm). Event needs to be held outdoors in order to meet CDC guidelines. Pre-K-5 (Front Parking Lot) 6th grade-8th Grade (Back Parking Lot)
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Parent Reminder: February 11, 2021 Half Day! Virtual teacher lead instruction will end at 12:30 p.m. All teachers and staff will be participating in virtual professional development workshops for the remainder of the day.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Good Morning Northside K-8 Parents: Many of our teachers have called in and shared that they have no power this morning and are unable to have class today January 28, 2021. If teachers are experiencing power outages than we are aware that students may be having the same issues. Therefore students will not be marked absent today. However, teachers who are not experiencing power outages will have class today. Every instructional day counts, since we know many of our students are trying to catch up academically due to COVID19 safety precautions which have not allow students to have in person face to face instruction.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Good Evening Northside K-8 Bulldog Families: Just a couple of updates our IReady testing completion rate is at 94%. Special thank you to our teachers, students and parents. If your child has not taking the test please contact your child’s teacher. Progress reports are being mailed out starting today, if you do not receive one by next week please contact your child’s teacher. Due to inclement weather predictions our drive-through awards program has been rescheduled to February 11, 2021 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. We are currently looking for virtual classroom volunteers and virtual day tutors. If you are interested please contact Mr. Hickey who is our new school counselor. He is replacing Mrs. Jenkins. We have also welcomed aboard Mrs. Richardson our new Assistant Principal who replaces Mr. O’Shea. Mrs. Scruggs will now be our New Curriculum Coach as Mrs. Richardson transitions to the Assistant Principal position. Mr. Purvis is our new Middle School Social Studies Teacher. Mrs. Forsythe will continue to support Mr. Purvis within and outside the classroom setting. Mrs. Seward will be replacing Mrs. Sommerville AIG teacher who has retired. We are so excited about the new additions to the Northside Bulldog family. The staff at Northside K-8 are committed to providing our students with a rigorous and quality education. We value and appreciate our parents, teachers, students, mentors and community partnerships.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Northside first graders will be taking their IReady Reading/Math Test this morning. Sixth through Eighth grade students who didn't take their IReady tests this week can take their make-up test today. In celebration of the Dr. Martin Luther King holiday, there will be no remote learning instruction on January 18, 2021. Remote learning instruction will continue on January 19, 2021. Fifth graders will take their IReady Reading and Math Test on January 19, 2021. Special thank you to all our parents and staff members for their ongoing outstanding support and cooperation. All student report cards were mailed out on January 12, 2021. Parents if you do not receive your child's report card by January 20, 2021, please contact the school. We will confirm your current address, and reissue another one to be mailed or you may pick it up here at Northside K-8 School. Enjoy your Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday weekend!
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Dr. King Day
Parent Reminders: IReady Online Reading and Math Testing Starts This Week: January 11, 2021 8th Grade January 12, 2021 3rd and 7th Grade January 13, 2021 2nd Grade and 6th Grade January 14, 2021 6th-8th Grade Make Ups 1st Grade January 15, 2021 Kindergarten January 19, 2021 5th Grade January 20, 2021 4th Grade January 21 -21, 2021 K-5 Final Makes Ups Online classroom instruction will continue on the days in which students are not testing. Students are to take the test independently, so that teachers will know what areas students need more instructional support in.
over 3 years ago, Northside K-8 School
IReady Testing
Attention Parents, Please read this updated letter concerning MOY testing. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child's school.
over 3 years ago, Warren County Schools
District Wide IReady In Person Testing Cancelled! In an effort to continue to keep everyone safe, with the current COVID-19 cases locally, at this point in time in person testing next week will not take place. However, students will be tested remotely. Parents please continue to encourage your children to complete all their school assignments, as well as, their online IReady assignments. We thank the Warren County School District for making safety a continued priority.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Northside K-8 School welcomes the 2021 New Year in! We know it will be a successful and productive school year. Our students, parents, teachers, administrators, school district, and community will be all working collaboratively to ensure our students make growth (academically, socially, and emotionally) in this new year. We enter this new year with a spirit of determination to leave the old year behind and embrace the new year. A new year filled with hope, gratitude and student record breaking academic success! What a great year this is going to be! Just a reminder, there are only a few more days left for your child to complete the Study Island "Winter Intervention Opportunity" assignments, due on January 4, 2021. Your child's teacher should have already shared this school wide opportunity for all students to improve their grade. Information was also posted on our website prior to the holiday break. Virtual classes will start back up again on January 5, 2021. Student in person IReady testing will start on January 11, 2021. Letters with more information will be mailed out on Monday, January 4, 2021. Detailed IReady testing information was also posted on our website prior to the holiday break.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
New Year 2021
Winter Intervention Study Island Opportunity: All Northside K-8 students will have an opportunity to improve their grades by completing lessons in Study Island over the winter break. Please contact your child's teacher directly, if they have not shared this opportunity with you already, and how it will help your child. All students can access Study Island on the District website click where it says : "STUDENTS: Warren County Student Login" The winter break is also a time in which many students complete any missing assignments to ensure that they will get good grades for the next report card. All grades will be finalized on January 4, 2021, when teachers return back to school for a mandatory teacher workday. Report cards will go out on January 12, 2021. Here at Northside K-8 we believe in creating pathways to ensure that your child is successful, but students must also do their part. Thank you parents for your continued support. We also value our remarkable staff members and all their efforts this year. Happy Holidays!
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Report Card Picture
Happy Holidays! Northside will have a holiday meal drive through pick up tomorrow between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. All students, parents and staff members are invited to partake in this delicious meal.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Holiday Lunch
Elizabeth City University is sponsoring a Drive-up COVID -19 Testing Clinic on Saturday, December 19th. The event will be held at the Warren County Recreation Complex. Check out the flyer for additional information.
over 3 years ago, Warren County Schools
Dec 19
Organizations in Warren County are sponsoring a COVID -19 Drive Thru Testing Event at the Warren County Health Department on December 10th. Check out the information on this flyer.
over 3 years ago, Warren County Schools
Parent Reminder: Half Day (December 4, 2020). District Wide Science Virtual Science Fair Today as noted on the Warren County Schools District calendar. All virtual instruction will end at 12:30 p.m. Congratulations to our Northside students who made it to the District level for judging.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Half Day
Check out the Warren County Schools Virtual Science Fair Website! Click on this link to access the site.
over 3 years ago, Warren County Schools
A COVID - 19 Drive Thru Testing Event will be held on Thursday, December 10th from 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm at the Warren County Health Department. Check out the flyer for additional information.
over 3 years ago, Warren County Schools
Northside K-8 School the main building will be closed today. The Town of Norlina will be conducting electrical work during this time. Therefore, the power will be out. All teachers will continue to provide students with quality instruction remotely as usual. Progress reports have been mailed out along with any awards day certificates that were not picked up. Teachers did an outstanding job attaching to the progress reports or noting any missing assignments. Parents please have your child complete any missing assignments as soon as possible, to ensure your child receives passing grades on the next report card. Just a reminder, to parents that gym is a required class that all students must pass in order to meet promotion guidelines. Mrs. Henderson Physical Education Teacher sent out a large number of progress reports where students were failing, only because they were not in attendance. According to the new promotion guidelines, all students must past gym. Remote learning guidelines and promotion standards are posted on the school website under the "Menu" tab. If you need to speak with Mrs. Henderson please let us know at the main office, and we will provide you with her contact information. We are so proud of our Northside K-8 students, and encourage them to stay focus, and it will pay off in the end. We thank our parents for all their support at home during this COVID19 pandemic. Last but never least, I thank the outstanding staff members here at Northside for doing a fantastic job in providing students with a quality education.
almost 4 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Progress Reports