Two female students standing outside of school, wearing backpacks and smiling

District dress code policy

WCHS Dress Code

Students may NOT wear clothing or accessories such as badges or pins with vulgar, profane, racially charged, suggestive words, or gang related terminology. Nor shall these items include pictures or advertisements depicting the sell or use of illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco products.

Consequences of dress code violations

  • Student must change immediately or will be sent to ISS until the violation has been corrected.

  • Students may be directed to return to the uniform policy at any time.


  • Shirts must cover the student’s entire torso. (Even with knots tied in shirts)

  • Students may NOT wear tank tops with straps less than three inches in width, midriff tops, halters.

Pants or Bottoms

  • All pants or bottoms must be worn up on the waist. Belts are strongly encouraged if possible.

  • Students may NOT wear biking-type pants or biking-type shorts (NO tight spandex material)

  • Pajamas or Lounge wear is not permitted

  • Leggings or tights may only be worn under pants that have rips, dresses, or skirts. This includes during PE.

  • Ripped jeans may be worn, however no skin above the knee shall be seen. Students are required to wear clothing that covers skin under ripped jeans

  • Shorts, skirts, and dresses should be no shorter than two inches above the knee


  • No hats, headscarves, or bonnets are to be worn at any time in the building. Religious head coverings will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

  • Sunglasses are not permitted unless students have written documentation from a physician.


  • Jackets, coats, hoodies, and sweaters may be worn, however hoods may NOT be worn inside the building at any time.


  • Shoes must be worn at all times while on campus

  • Bedroom slippers or shower shoes (slides) should not be worn on campus

  • Sandals and Crocs may be worn, but must have straps on the back.