Text: All schools and offices are closed. Remote work day for staff. Image shows computer keyboard, iphone, earbuds, glasses, notepad, and post-it notes.
Picture of Dr. Carol Montgue-Davis. Text: Welcome home. Dr. Carol Montague-Davis. Interim Superintendent. Warren County Schools, NC. 1885.
Smiling school cafeteria employee serving a tray with a cheeseburger and fries. Text: Free! Summer meals for ages 0-18
A happy child sitting on a woman's lap at a table with a bowl of strawberries and a glass of orange juice. They look like they are happy and celebrating. Text: The new SUN Bucks food assistance program is coming to North Carolina! NCDHHS. SUN Bucks logo with a fork and knife.
Picture of a student wearing headphones, typing on a computer keyboard, and smiling. Background image of students lined up to get on a Warren County school bus. Text: 2024-25 Superintendent's Budget Proposal. Public Hearing Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 6 p.m. at Warren County Middle School.
Image of 2 school calendars. Text: Tell us! Do the draft school calendars work for you? www.warrenk12nc.org/CalendarSurvey
Three circles that intersect in the middle with the Warren County Schools logo in the center. Text: Closing and consolidating elementary schools. Mariam Boyd Elementary, Northside Elementary, Vaughan Elementary.
Image of a smiling elementary student wearing glasses. Text: Community Meetings. Elementary Facilities Updates and Future Planning. Vaughan Elementary on Thursday, January 11. Mariam Boyd Elementary on Thursday, January 18. Northside Elementary on Thursday, January 25.  Each meeting is from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Computer screen displaying a picture of woman with two female high school students smiling. Text: Parents' Bill of rights.
Picture of a teacher's desk in a classroom with a bookshelf and potted plant next to the desk. Friday, Oct. 20, 2023 is written on the chalkboard. Text: Warren County High and Warren Early College High Teacher Workday. *It's a regular school day for elementary and middle schools.
Warren County Homecoming Game. September 23, 2023. Canceled due to severe weather.
Early Release Day. Image: blurred background with child coloring and a box of crayons. Triangle with an exclamation point in the middle.
Picture of a student wearing a clear backpack and smiling. Text: Clear backpacks REQUIRED. Warren County Schools is requiring students at all of our schools to use a clear backpack as an additional safety measure this school year.  We are giving all students a free, clear Warren County Schools backpack.   If you do not want to use the backpack provided, you may purchase a clear backpack of your own.   For privacy, you may carry a small bag the size of a sheet of paper folded in half inside of your clear backpack.  If you have a school-issued chromebook bag, you may also bring that to school.  All bags may be searched at any time, following school board policy.   We apologize for any inconvenience this change may have caused. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
First day of high school: Tuesday, August 8. Merger of Warren County High School and Warren New Tech High School.  The Warren County School Board voted July 25, 2023 to close Warren New Tech High School (WNTHS). WNTHS students will attend Warren County High School (WCHS).
Proposed changes for Warren County High School and Warren New Tech High School
Calendar Change: Thursday Feb 16 2023. No School for students, full day teacher work day
Happy News Year 2023
Science and Engineering Fair winners with their awards and medals
NC Academic Growth Award 2021-2022
Finalists for Teacher of the Year, Beginning Teacher of the Year, and Principal of the Year