May 13, 2020
Click on the link to check out the video meeting held this week.

May 13, 2020 Click on the link to find the information that was shared during our Senior Information Zoom Session on Tuesday, May 12th.

May 12, 2020
Below you will find important information about Warren New Tech's 2020 graduation. Graduation will take place Saturday, May 30th at Warren County High School WNTHS students m...

April 27, 2020 Students, here is your updated virtual class schedule. If you still have any classes that ov...

April 23, 2020
Warren New Tech Virtual Class Schedule
Teacher Course/ Day of the week and Time Course/ Day of the week and Time
Course/ Day of the week and Time

April 20, 2020
Click on the link below to access the 6th Grade Registration Packet for Northside K-8 Schools Middle Grades. CLICK HERE to access the information.

March 20, 2020
New Tech Knights and families below you will find another resource list provided by the district of free sites you can use during this time of virtual learning. https://drive.go...

March 20, 2020
Parents and students please click on the link below to find free resources to use at home. file:///Users/jenniferwilker/Downloads/Free%20Educ...

March 16, 2020
Starting tomorrow (March 17th), we will continue to distribute food at Vaughan ES, Northside K-8 and Warren County High School. There will be a one-time pick up of f...

March 11, 2020
If you would like to place an order for WNTHS 2019-2020 yearbook, follow the steps listed below:
(1) Go to (2) Enter WNTHS's passcode: 10150359959512...

March 11, 2020
Parent/Teacher conferences are tomorrow, March 12th from 1:00-7:00. We look forward to seeing tomorrow!

March 5, 2020
Click on the link below to access a letter from the Warren County School District concerning the Coronavirus. Click on this link to access the letter

March 2, 2020
Parent/Teacher conferences will be Thursday, March 12th from 1:00-7:00. Please come out to pickup your child's report card and meet with your child's teachers. See you next Thursd...

March 2, 2020
Parents, we would like to invite you out to Vance Granville Community College at the Warrenton campus on Wednesday, March 11th at 6:00PM to find out information about your high sc...

February 25, 2020
There will be a 9 th Grade High School Registration Meeting for parents on Tuesday, March 3, 2020. The meeting will be held at Warren County Middle School at 6:30 pm in the Mul...
January 30, 2020
Click on the link below to access our latest newsletter WNTHS Semester 1 Newsletter