Announcement Follow-Up: Northside Bulldog parents you should have received the call from Mr. Stewart Chief Operations Officer for Warren County Schools. There will be no in person instruction until Wednesday, May 19, 2021, due to gas shortages. Staff members will be working remote. The EOG testing schedule has been modified for this upcoming week. Third grade through eighth grade teachers will be notifying parents once they receive the updated testing schedule. Have a great evening and please continue to be safe.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Good evening. Just a reminder tonight we will be hosting the Northside Virtual Science Night @ 6 p.m. Please check your child's class Dojo or Google Classroom for the link. See you soon! Ms. Mieya Petitt EIE Facilitator
over 3 years ago, Northside K-8 School
Northside Parent Reminder: Half A Day Early Dismissal (12:15 p.m.) All students remote and in-person instruction will end at 12:05 p.m. All teachers will be engaged in professional development for the remainder of the afternoon. Parents all iReady testing (reading and math ) make-ups are scheduled for all grade levels tomorrow. Parents if your children who are in grades K-8 have not taking the test, please make arrangements for them to come to school tomorrow by 8:00 a.m. with their school issued chromebooks. Thank you in advance for sending your children who need to take the make up exams tomorrow.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Happy Mother's Day! We hope you enjoyed your special day today. Northside Parent Reminder: IReady Testing Lower Grades (K-2) All Testing Done On Campus. No remote testing option available this time arouond for end of the year testing. May 10, 2021: Grades K-2 (Reading Test) May 11, 2021 : Grades K-2 (Math Test) May 12, 2021: Grades K-8 (Make-ups All Subjects) May 12, 2021: Half A Day In-Person & Remote (12:30 p.m. Dismissal) Remote students will need to report to school on testing days only no later than 8:00 a.m. Remote students will need to bring their school issued chromebooks with them on testing days. Thank you parents in advance for your support.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Good Evening Bulldog Families: Thank you so much for joining us for our drive through awards ceremony. We are so proud of our children's accomplishments. Special thank you to Mrs. Evans and her music students for providing us with wonderful musical sections during the awards presentations. Thank you to our awesome staff who presented the awards. Thank you to the administrative team and Mr. Hickey who organized and participated in the certificate creation of the awards certificates. Just a reminder, that iReady end of the year math test for grades 3rd-8th will take place tomorrow May 7, 2021. All remote students will need to bring their chromebooks to school with them on testing days.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Northside will be hosting its 1st Virtual Science Night on May 13, 2021 at 6 p.m. The link will be shared 24 hours prior to the event. We hope you can join us for a Fun Night of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math!
over 3 years ago, Northside K-8 School
Virtual Science Night
Parent Reminders: No Face To Face Instruction Tomorrow 5/5/21. May 6th -7th IReady Testing (reading/math) will be conducted on campus for students in grades 3rd-8th grade. All students will need to report in person to take their test on campus. There is no longer an A/B day schedule for middle school students. In person instruction middle students are now all on one schedule. No remote testing will be offered for this last end of the year IReady test. There is no transportation currently available at this time for remote students. Remote students will need for their parents to bring them to school no later than 8:00 a.m. and pick them up by 3:00 p.m. on testing days. All remote students will need to bring their school issued chromebooks on testing days. It is very important that all students take the test so parents, teachers and the principal can have more information to support student placement for the next school year. We thank you in advance for your support.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Northside K-8 Parent Reminders: Wednesday, May 5, 2021 (No Face To Face Instruction) Thursday, May 6, 2021 (Drive Through Awards Ceremony at 5:30 p.m.) (Please contact your child's teacher to see if your child is expected to receive an award). IReady Testing Dates All Students In-Person Testing: May 6, 2021 : Grades 3rd-8th Grade (Reading Test) May 7, 2021: Grades 3rd-8th Grade (Math Test) May 10, 2021: Grades K-2 (Reading Test) May 11, 2021 : Grades K-2 (Math Test) May 12, 2021: Grades K-8 (Make-ups All Subjects) May 12, 2021: Half A Day In-Person & Remote (12:30 p.m. Dismissal)
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
IReady Testing
Northside K-8 Teacher and Staff Appreciate Week! We are honoring and celebrating our teachers and staff members this week. Parents thank you in advance for reaching out to your child's teacher just to thank them for all they do for your children here at Northside K-8!
over 3 years ago, Northside K-8 School
Staff Appreciation Week
Special thank you to all our parents, staff members and teachers who participated in Northside K-8 Spring Curriculum Night! We thank you our Bulldog families for your on going support! All presentation have been recorded especial for our parents who were unable to attend. All presentation will be made available online on our school website no later than Monday, April 26, 2021.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Special thank you to our Bulldog families who came out today, and picked up their child's new chromebook. Thank you to our awesome teacher assistants, media coordinator, school counselor, in school behavior support teacher, custodians and administrative team that contributed to today's successful chromebook distribution.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Event: Northside Virtual Spring Curriculum Night! Audience: Parents (Middle School, Pre-K, Kindergarten, and EC Self Contained grade levels). Date of Event: Tomorrow, April 22, 2021 Time: 6:00 p.m. Parents if you did not get the meeting link, please contact your child's teacher.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Parent Notification: A Warren County Schools notification went out from Mr. Stewart regarding 7th grade middle school students and in- person instruction being suspended until further notice. However, the call was for Warren County Middle School parents only and not Northside Middle School Students. Special thank you to the parent that called the school, and made us aware of Mr. Stewart's announcement.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Parent Reminders: Northside PreK-8th grade online Spring Curriculum Night for Middle School, Kindergarten, EC Self Contained and Pre-Kindergarten students is scheduled for this Thursday, April 22, 2021. Please check with your child's teacher for the parent link. Congratulations Northside students sold $1,954 in Krispy Kreme doughnut certificates. The school received a profit of $1,036 after the purchase of the certificates. Three Top Sellers: Russell, Taylor and Brianni. Report cards will be mailed home on Thursday, April 22, 2021. Mr. Purvis (Middle School Social Studies Teacher) will be replaced by Mrs. Forsythe the previous long term substitute teacher starting on Monday, April 26, 2021. Nurse Bevell will be replaced by Nurse Terry effective April 20, 201. Thank you so much parents for all your support.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Parent Notification: Today, April 16, 2021 was the last day for Krispy Kreme doughnut certificate sales money. Special thank you to everyone involved in the doughnut certificate sales. We will notify everyone when the certificates are in and ready for pickup. The winners will be announced on Monday! Great News! Parents we have received a shipment of new chromebooks. When we did our first chromebook distribution a mixture of new and old chromebooks were issued. Next Wednesday, April 21, 2021 from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. you may switch out your children's current school issued older chromebooks, and receive a new chromebook, if you like. Please remember to bring all charging cords with you. Parents if your children are using their own personal devices, and you would like for your child to receive a new chromebook, you may also come out this Wednesday. There will be a one-time rental fee of $20 charge and paperwork that will need to be completed for students who are receiving a school issued chromebook for the very first time. Parents, if your children have already received new chromebooks they will not be issued another one. Mrs. Vick (Media Specialist) has the list of which students received new chromebooks this school year. Thank you parents we appreciate you, and your on ongoing support.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Special thank you to the Bulldog families that joined us this evening for our elementary school Spring Curriculum Night. Kudos to our awesome teachers that put together wonderful parent presentations. We are making a difference here at Northside K-8 School one family at a time!
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Northside K-8 School Virtual Spring Curriculum Night for elementary students will be on April 15, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Parents, if you did not receive the link for tomorrow night’s meeting, please contact your child's teacher. Teachers will be sharing presentations with important information such as the academic skills your child needs to be able to do independently in order to go on to the next grade level, EOG testing information, student challenging academic areas, and what parents can do to help their children academically at home. Of course, Kindergarten will have their Spring Curriculum Night at another time, due to the second round of Kindergarten registration. The date for the Middle School Spring Curriculum Night will be announced on Friday, April 16, 2021. Krispy Kreme Doughnut School Fundraiser Sale Ends Friday, April 16, 2021. Special thank you to our Bulldog families who have participated in this wonderful event. The winners will be announced, and parents will be notified when the doughnut certificates have arrived at school. Parents teachers have given the students receipts for any money received. If you did not receive your receipt, please follow up with your child or the classroom teacher. Special thank you to parents who are picking up their children when it is dismissal time. In an effort to keep everyone safe, we are asking parents not to jump the line. Enter and exit slowing when arriving and exiting off campus. Early student pick-ups we know may occur from time to time, but we are discouraging repeated early student picks. A formal letter will be going out to all parents regarding early student pick ups and procedures that will be put in place moving forward. Thank you so much and we are excited about see our elementary school parents virtually for Spring Curriculum Night.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Northside K-8 Parents: Today was our first day merging all our in-person instruction elementary students. It was overall a huge success we had 175 students which includes our A group middle school students who attended school in person today. The rest of our students did a great job signing in online for remote instruction. Northside K-8 School we will be hosting a Spring Virtual Curriculum Night for Northside Elementary students on April 15, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Kindergarten students will have a separate day, because their teachers will be conducting Kindergarten registration on that day. Northside Middle School's Spring Curriculum Night is still to be determined. More information will be coming out regarding when that event will take place. The Krispy Kreme doughnut fundraiser has been extended until April 16, 2021. Thank you so much to the students who have started turning in their money. Top seller prizes range from bikes to money gift cards. Just a reminder, no teacher led classes remote or in-person are conducted on Wednesdays.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Northside Bulldog Parents: We have been receiving calls that bus drivers are not picking up Elementary School students who are on B day. I do apologize, because an announcement went out last week in the Warren Record, by the Elementary Principals and District Office. The announcement stated that there is no in-person A and B schedule. Both in person groups for the elementary school are now combined. However, middle school students who receive in person instruction will still be on an A and B day schedule. I have contacted Mr. Alston, Transportation Director, and informed him of this issue this morning. Students will receive credit for today, but will need to log in remotely. Parent Reminder: No students can be dropped off without clearing CDC COVID19 morning check which starts at 7:45 a.m. The school day ends at 3:00 pm. If there is a pattern and these guidelines are not followed, students will be placed on remote instruction.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Happy Easter Bulldog Family! Spring Break ends on April 6, 2021 and all in person elementary leveled registered students will now be coming to school on the same days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday). On Wednesdays there is no in person instruction or teacher led remote instruction. There will be no more A/B days for elementary students. However, middle school in person instruction registered students will continue attending school on the A or B day schedule. Information about merging elementary in person students posted in the Warren Record last Wednesday. Remote students will remain remote for the rest of the school year, and continue to receive the same quality instruction online. Parents if you have any further questions please contact your child's teacher. Teachers were already made aware of this major change.
over 3 years ago, Principal Dunbar