Parent Reminder: Thursday, September 24, 2020 will be a half a day. All virtual instruction will end at 12:30 p.m. Shout out to our Northside students who have completed their iReady reading and math tests. Northside K-8 has an overall eighty-nine percent completion iReady test rate. However, 7th and 8th grade math students have a 100% completion rate. Parents if your child has not taken the test yet, please contact your child’s teacher for a makeup test. Thank you to all the parents who have picked up their child’s chromebook. As stated by Mr. Stewart (Chief Operating Officer) this is real school. Students have to engage with the teacher, complete work and pass exams in order to ensure that they make it to the next grade. After Friday, formal letters will be sent to any parents who have not picked up their child’s chromebook. Mrs. Williams (Social Worker) will also be notified to help support families, and ensure that students have what they need in order to be successful. If you have not signed up for parent portal (allows you to see your child’s grades online) or need assistance please call the school, and we will notify Mr. Buffalo. Last reminder, parents please be careful when your child is receiving online instruction the camera is active. If teachers see anything inappropriate occurring in your child’s background, they will have to disconnect the session. We love our parents, students, teachers, and thank you for working alongside us.
almost 4 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Early Dismissal
Warren County Schools District Internet is back up and working. Thank you so much for your patience.
almost 4 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Warren County Schools Internet District Wide is down right now,
almost 4 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Parent Reminder: Half A Day Schedule: September 24, 2020, October 22, 2020, February 11, 2021, March 18, 2021. Early Release Professional Development for Teachers: All student classes will end at 12:30 p.m. on the dates noted above. Teachers will have assignments left (google classroom or handouts if back in school) for students to complete on these earlier release days.
almost 4 years ago, Principal Dunbar
1/2 Day of School
Northside K-8 School Parent Reminder: 5th-8th Grade iReady Reading Test scheduled for September 22, 2020. IReady Math Test scheduled for 5th -8th grade on September 23, 2020. Thank you to the parents, and teachers in advance for monitored the students remotely as they take their iReady Reading and Math Test this week. Parents if you would like additional information please go to the Warren County School website under IReady Parent and Student Resources. Your child's teacher should have also shared testing information with you last week. Parents thank you so much for your continued support !
almost 4 years ago, Principal Dunbar
iReady Testing
Test Today!
Northside K-8 School 4th Grade iReady Math Test scheduled for September 11, 2020. Thank you to the parents, and teachers that monitored the students remotely as they took their iReady Reading Test today, September 10, 2020.
almost 4 years ago, Northside K-8 School
Test Today
Northside 4th Grade IReady Testing (Reading) September 10, 2020.
almost 4 years ago, Northside K-8 School
Northside K-8 Parents: Special thank you to the entire Bulldog Family! Parents, Student and Staff members for doing a wonderful job as we held two full days from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. distributing chromebooks. Parents did an outstanding job completing the necessary paperwork. All staff members did a wonderful job processing all the paperwork received, and distributing a chromebook to every family that came. Special thank you to Mr. Pierce one of our parents who sponsored 6 students. Thank you to Mrs. Hundley who pledged to sponsor a student. Thank you to all the organizations that worked with Mrs. Alston-Kearney to sponsor our Northside K-8 students. We appreciate Officer Boone (directed traffic), Mr. Steverson (donated desserts/cases of water), Dr. Whitaker (helped donate food for the staff) and Mrs. Perry for supporting us with cafeteria support. Special thank you to Superintendent Dr. Young, and her Executive Cabinet for all their help behind the scenes ensuring that we had everything we needed for a successful chromebook student distribution. Please be safe and enjoy the upcoming Labor Day Holiday Weekend.
almost 4 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Chromebook distribution we begin again at 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. September 4, 2020. We thank you so much for your patience.
almost 4 years ago, Northside K-8 School
Chromebook Distribution (September 3, 2020): We are off to a great start, and we thank everyone for working to ensure that our students and your child have Chromebooks. Chromebook Distribution will start back up again at 1:30 p.m., due to the extreme heat.
almost 4 years ago, Northside K-8 School
Northside K-8 Parents: Parent Chromebook Distribution Forms Posted on Northside K-8 School Website. Save time now and print them out, complete the forms and bring them with you tomorrow. Go to our school website "News" section click on Chromebook Distribution Forms.
almost 4 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Chromebook Distribution
Northside K-8 Chromebook Distribution Parent Forms: The day has arrived! The Chromebooks at Northside K-8 will be distributed: Thursday, September 3, 2020 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Grades 4th - 8th ) and Friday, September 4, 2020 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Grades Pre-K to 3rd). Please go to the Northside K-8 School website. Next, go to the "News" section and click "Chromebook Distribution Parent Forms." You can save time now by completing these forms. Please print and complete the forms and bring them with you. If you have any Chromebook rental receipts for paying the $20 rental fee online, please bring that as well. We thank you in advance for your patience tomorrow!
almost 4 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Chromebook Distribution
Northside K-8 School Parents: PayPal we just found out is no longer a payment option for the $20 Chromebook rental fee . Warren County Schools will be using effective today "Square Up" and cash. The Square Up link can be found below: ( The District has a payment cleared list if you have paid remotely already or were approved after filing online for financial assistance. We will have a printout also when you arrive tomorrow.
almost 4 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Square Up
Good Evening Northside K-8 Parents: We have received news that the new chrome books will not arrive until later this month. The Warren County School District has now moved into Plan B. In an effort to avoid further delays in students’ receiving vital chrome books, all schools will be releasing their current Chromebook in house inventories. As a result, we will all be able to begin distributing chrome books to students who do not have computers at home. Northside K-8 School Computer Distribution Dates: Thursday, September 3, 2020: Grades 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 from 8 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Friday, September 4, 2020: Grades PreK-3rd grade from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Please remember to bring your one time nonrefundable rental fee $20 per child. You can also pay by credit card and PayPal on the Warren County Schools District website. If you need financial assistance, please cut and paste this website link to your browser: ( First come first serve until the funding runs out. You will also find an active link you can click under "News" on our school website. Parents you will need to complete several forms prior to receiving your child's Chromebook. It will take at least 10-15 minutes, so please come when you have additional time to complete this process. You can also sign up so that you can see your child's grades online before you receive their progress/report cards (Parent Portal). COVID19 safety measures are still in effect; please do not exit your car during the computer distribution process. We thank you in advance for your patience.
about 4 years ago, Northside K-8 School
Chrome book
Concerned about COVID-19? Check out the information in the picture. A drive through testing event is being held at Warren County High School on September 12, 2020.
about 4 years ago, Warren County Schools
Northside K-8 Parents: If you still have not received your child's work packet via mail, teachers have shared with us this information. Student work packets are now available for pick up directly at the school between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. for the rest of this week (August 24-28, 2020). Shout out to all our teachers, parents, and students, because we now have a 97% parent/student communication contact rate. Our goal by the end of the week is to be at 100%.
about 4 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Student Work Packets
Great First Week! A large number of our students have received their student work packets. Teachers have been reaching out working with students online and over the phone. We now have a 95% parent/student contact rate. If your child has not received their work packet, please share that with your child's teacher. We have created a spreadsheet, so that we can get a count of how many students still need work packets. We will make them available for pick up. I was so excited to see our students online, and had an opportunity to visit them in their virtual classrooms. Students were excited and engaging with the teacher as they worked on the student work packets. Teachers have also been working with students over the phone, and helping them with their work. Next week teachers will be sharing with you your child's google email address and password. Please keep this information in a safe place, because your child will need it when entering the google meet links you have been provided with. We thank everyone for their continued patience as we await the arrival of the Chromebooks. I also would like to thank all of our staff members for doing an awesome job this week. We are off to a great start!
about 4 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Northside K-8 Parents: Today was a marvelous second day of school with teachers and students engaged in the instructional student learning packets both virtually and over the phone. If you have not received your child's work packet by Friday of this week, please contact the school and we will arrange for the packages to be available for pick up. Teachers are continuing to make contact with families this week, and they will provide all the addition information you need. Don't panic, if you still haven't heard from all your child's teachers yet. Our goal is for every teacher before the end of this week to have a parent/student contact rate of at least 90% or better. In addition, we found out Google is updating their security level, and requiring that everyone entering a google link must have a google account. The good news is that all students have a school google account, and teachers will be calling parents to give them this important information. You will also get your child's login information in writing again when the chromebooks arrive. Of course, if you have not heard from your child's teachers, by next week Tuesday, please contact the main office. We thank you for your patience as we prepare for the chromebook distribution date.
about 4 years ago, Principal Dunbar
Happy First Day of Virtual School Northside K-8 Students: Parents we are excited to hear that the student learning work packages were received by many parents over the weekend. Contained within the package you will find three weeks’ worth of work in the core subject areas. In addition, student log information, student daily schedule and lunch numbers have all been provided. Teachers will be reaching out contacting parents/students, so that your child will receive credit for attending school. Classes start every day at 9:00 a.m. Your child will also receive credit even if they don't have a computer. Therefore, it is very important to respond when teachers are trying to reach out to you. If your number has changed, please contact the school. Parents we ask that you be patient during this time, we are hoping the Chromebooks will arrive soon. Starting on September 1, 2020 in order to receive breakfast/lunch from the feeding school site you will need to give your child's lunch number. Once again we are very excited about the awesome school year your child will experience!
about 4 years ago, Principal Dunbar
First Day of School
Northside K-8 Family: Thank you for joining us for our first Virtual Open House. We wish everyone a fantastic school year! Virtual School starts on Monday, August 17, 2020. All student work packages have been mailed. Teachers will be assisting students with the work packages via google meet or over the phone.
about 4 years ago, Principal Dunbar