Check out the Summer Reading Challenge sponsored by the Friends of the Warren County Memorial Library
about 4 years ago, Warren County Schools
Report cards will be available tomorrow for pick up as well as prom refunds. Come by the school between 8:00-4:00.
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
This is a friendly reminder that report card pick up has been delayed because of printing issues. As soon as report cards are printed and available I will let you know.
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Good morning Knights! Warren County Schools has put out a parent survey on the website to get parents' input on starting school next school year. Parents, please take a moment to complete the survey. Click on the survey link below to access the survey. It should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. Also, if you paid for prom tickets your refund check is available for pick up at the school.
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Report card pick up scheduled for tomorrow will have to be postponed due to printing errors. I will inform you all when report cards will be ready for pick up. Prom reimbursements will be ready for pick up beginning tomorrow so if you purchased prom tickets please stop by the school between the hours of 8:00-4:00 to pick up your reimbursment check.
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Report Card Pickup!!! Good afternoon Knights! Report cards, printed transcripts, and prom refunds will be available for pickup beginning this Thursday, June 11th. Please make arrangements to pick up your report cards Thursday or Friday between the hours of 8:00-4:00. We will also be available the following week, June 15th, Monday thru Thursday from 7:00am- 5:00pm. Thank you and have a great day!
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
IMPORTANT CHANGE IN SUMMER MEALS PROGRAM SITES. Check out the flyer for more information
about 4 years ago, Warren County Schools
Good morning! I would like to take another moment to congratulate our seniors for ALL their many accomplishments this school year. You all looked great Saturday and despite the uniqueness of the commencement ceremony it was great being able to celebrate all Warren County seniors. I would also like to thank everyone who worked tireless behind the scenes to make Saturday a huge success! Mr. Andre Steward, Mrs. Donna Martin, and Mrs. Clair Vandiford I know put in countless hours prepping before hand and working so hard Saturday morning and I just want to say "Thank you" for all your hard work! And I'm sure there are many more dedicated people who worked many extra hours and I want to say "Thank you" to everyone who pulled together so we could honor our Warren County seniors!
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today is bittersweet; today we will recognize our last senior and how fitting it is to recognize this senior on graduation day! Today, Warren New Tech would like to recognize Tyrell Wilson as our senior for the day. Tyrell is the type of student who leaves a lasting impression on everyone he meets and the type of student, teachers and staff will never forget. Since the beginning of his senior year, Tyrell has been on top of every requirement because he did not want to wait until the last minute and he had this attitude with everything he did including his arrival time to school. Tyrell typically arrived to school each morning by 7:00am beating every student to school and most staff members. Tyrell has been a perfectionist and completes his tasks long before they are due. I have gotten to know Tyrell personally this year with our one-on-one talks and I must say his maturity level and the amount of respect he has for his grandparents is unprecedented for a young man of his age. He contributes the man he has grown into solely to his grandparents and his appreciation and love he has for them deeply humbles me. Tyrell will be heading to East Carolina University in the fall where he will be majoring in Computer Science. From the very first interaction that I had with Tyrell, I knew that he was special. In addition to his incredible work ethic that made him a wonderful student to teach, he was always helpful and patient with his peers, and was the most attentive listener. I was thrilled when I had drawn Tyrell’s name to be a part of my “Family”. I am forever thankful for the opportunities to celebrate all of Tyrell’s accomplishments with him this school year. I will always remember our sparkling cider toast that our family held for Tyrell when he was accepted to and committed to his top choice school, East Carolina University! I am so proud of how hard Tyrell has worked to achieve his goals and I know that he is prepared and ready to take on the world. Now, he is a proud Pirate, but I will always be proud that he is my “son”. - Tanner Tyrell has always gone above and beyond in my classroom. He questions everything and thinks objectively. He grasps knowledge and takes it in while also considering all other factors. He is a complex thinker. I know he will do great things - Wisler Congratulations Tyrell! We will certainly miss you at Warren New Tech but know you have great things in store for you. We wish you much success! #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Guess what day it is?!? It’s graduation day!!! Seniors we will see you at the Middle School in bus parking lot at 9:15 and graduation will promptly begin at 10:00. Congratulations Seniors on this milestone and we can’t wait to see you and celebrate you!!!!
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today, Warren New Tech would like to recognize Daniel White as our senior of the day. Daniel's presence does not go unnoticed down the hall of New Tech. Daniel towers over the majority of his classmates but despite his stature, Daniel is a very quiet, mannerable young man who tries not to stand out but he does stand out in all the right ways. Daniel is a very hard worker and is self-motivated especially when it comes to his online college courses as well as his projects in his regular high school courses. Daniel has a drive about him that will allow him to be successful with whatever he does in life. Daniel plans on attending East Carolina University in the fall where he will major in Business. Daniel has a very modest personality. He is a focused and goal-driven student and his approach towards teamwork and projects is commendable. I will most certainly miss his unassuming nature and his great sense of humor. - Waugh-Lewis Daniel is a quiet student and is friendly to all of his peers. As a student in a project-based learning environment, he has acquired the skills to work with peers of different strengths, personalities and work ethics. He considers himself to be an individual who “gets along with everyone”. After speaking with teachers and school staff, they shared that he is cooperative and hard working. He is a great problem solver and demonstrates a positive growth mindset when he approaches setbacks. - Tanner Congratulations Daniel! We wish you success and a bright future ahead of you. #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today, Warren New Tech would like to recognize Kellen Tucker as our senior for the day. Kellen is the student who always says "Yes ma`am" not matter what, whether he is in the right or not. Kellen wore his baseball shirt to school one day and I was fussing telling him he could not wear the shirt and all Kellen said was, "Yes ma`am" and went and put his school polo shirt on. He never said, "It's game day" instead he simply complied with my request. Later when I realized he was in the right and I was in the wrong, he without hesitation accepted my apology and put his baseball shirt back on and never mentioned it again. That is the type of student he is, very mannerable and nonconfrontational and always willing to go above and beyond in everything he does. Kellen has been a student athlete his entire high school career playing soccer and baseball, but baseball has always been his passion. Kellen plans on attending East Carolina University in the fall where he will be majoring in accounting. I am so happy to call Kellen "my son". During family meetings I can depend on him to offer beneficial 'big brother' advice whether it is academic or social. He leads by example participating in Family Projects and others activities as well as staying focused academically as well as keeping his promises. He has a very kind heart and I admire that as well as many of his other attributes. Kellen, I wish you success in your endeavors. Go and Grow! - Waugh-Lewis I have been very impressed with Kellen’s ability to manage multiple activities while also taking a rigorous course load. He has demonstrated the responsibility and accountability necessary to meet the expectations that his teachers, coaches, parents and supervisors have of him. Kellen is a student athlete, maintains a part-time job, volunteers at the local fire department and is enrolled two college courses at the local community college. His experiences and service have shaped him into a well-rounded, humble young man. - Tanner Congratulations Kellen! The sky is the the limit. Go forward and make your mark on this world. #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Good morning families! Please do not forget about the Zoom meeting this evening at 5:30. The code for the meeting has been emailed to all students so please ask your child to open his/her email and share with you the link. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance. "See" you all at 5:30.
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today, Warren New Tech would like to recognize Selena Thompson as our senior of the day. Selena is the type of student you will never forget; she has a beautiful smile and disposition. She speaks up when she does not understand something or when she simply disagrees. She has been on the softball team every year expect her senior year of high school because her schedule was too overwhelming. She is a hard worker both in school and out of school. Selena is an all around great student with a heart of gold. Selena plans on attending Wake Technical Community College in the fall where she will study nursing. Selena is a very clever and smart young lady. She is a hard worker both in school and out. She is a very, very capable young lady that will be successful at anything she puts her mind to. The Future is YOURS! Ms. Grantham Selena is a fun-loving student. I have enjoyed my rapport with her even when she would say "I don't got time for this" then go right ahead and complete her tasks. She has a warm and caring personality hidden behind her "don't care" attitude. Selena, congratulations, be brave and challenge yourself to continue succeeding. - Waugh-Lewis Congratulation Selena! You will definitely be missed at New Tech but we wish you all the luck in your future. Future patients will be in good hands with you being their nurse. #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today, Warren New Tech would like to recognize Jackson Ross as our senior of the day. Jackson is a very laid back student that has the ability to make anyone laugh. He is always willing to offer a helping hand to anyone in need no matter how big or small the job. He is very dependable and when he gives you his word he does not disappoint you. Most students cannot wait for the school day to end but Jackson willingly extended his learning four days a week to take evening welding classes at Vance Granville and excelled. Jackson plans to pursue his welding certification at Vance Granville Community College in the fall. Jackson was that one son a mother could not do without. He had a hint of mischief in his eyes each time he tackled a project and you knew it was going to be super. Jackson was a "Jack of all trades and a master of all." His passion for practical tasks is unequivocal. The world is waiting on you to build a powerful stage for your success young man! May the son continue to shine on you my SON! Congratulations Jackson! We know with your determination and drive you will accomplish any and everything you set out to accomplish. #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Seniors, if you have not picked up your senior sign from the Armory please do so this week. We are certainly looking forward to celebrating our seniors Saturday at graduation beginning at 10am. Parents of students in grades 9-11 we will be having a zoom session Wednesday at 5:30 to discuss grades and GPA’s. Parents teachers will be making individual calls beginning June 1st to inform parents of grades and options.
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today, Warren New Tech would like to recognize Joshua Robinson as our senior of the day. Despite all obstacles, Joshua has pushed through and persevered this school year. He is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure he has completed all requirements and expectations. He has been an athlete throughout his high school years and continued to support his basketball team even when he was recovering this fall. Joshua has been an upstanding student his entire time at New Tech and has always had a great disposition, positive attitude and very mannerable, these are the soft skills that can not be taught. Joshua has always been a mild mannered. Joshua was always calm and respectful even when he complained about me assigning too much work. Joshua is smart, hardworking and determined. I'm sure that he will use those same attributes in his future endeavors. Remember to always put your best foot forward and never give up on your dreams. Best wishes to you! ~ W. Turrentine Earlier this school year, Josh underwent surgery that required him to miss a significant amount of school. During his recovery, despite being out of school and away from instruction, Josh impressed me so much with his ability to maintain his school work and with his smooth transition back into the classroom. Despite the hardships that come with surgery and school absences, Josh has managed to have his best academic year since being a Warren New Tech High School student. - Tanner Congratulations Joshua! We wish you all the best in your future. Dream big and reach for the stars! #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today, Warren New Tech would like to recognize Jose R. Labra as our senior of the day. Jose is one of the quietest student I have ever met and he has been since his elementary days at South Warren Elementary. Jose has the sweetest, most sincere smiles you will ever see. He is a very mannerable student who is extremely diligent and such a hard worker. Jose` plans to study Criminal Justice at Vance Granville Community College in the fall. Jose is extremely smart and works hard in the classroom. What sticks out to me the most about Jose is his positive attitude. He is always so mannerable and respectful. Best wishes in his future endeavors. ~ W. Turrentine Jose is so much smarter than what may be seen to the naked eye. He has always been one of the quieter students (just like I was) but does not hold back when it comes to showing his intelligence. Jose is brilliant and can pay attention when the entire room is distracted. He could remember a small thought said as students are leaving the classroom. His mind is capable of much more than he has been held accountable for. He can do great things that even he isn't aware of - Wisler Congratulations, Jose! We wish you the best in your future and know you will do well. #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today, Warren New Tech would like to recognize Alaina Pulley as our senior of the day. Alaina is a student who is wise way beyond her years. She is the mother hen of her senior group taking care of everyone and cheering her friends on when they want to give up. Alaina has been a senior ambassador since her freshman year and is the most reliable teenager I have ever had the privilege to work with. Alaina was triple enrolled in WNTHS, NCSSM, and VGCC. She will be graduating high school with 25 college credits. Alaina will be heading to NC State in the fall where she will be studying criminology. Congratulations Alaina! I remember Alaina first coming into my room before officially being my student as I was decorating my room for the first day of school. She offered to help decorate, and I took up her offer. I was planning on working on a mural made out of paper for my wall, and so I told her she could cut out about 10 free-hand, four-pointed stars for me to incorporate. Thinking this was an easy request, I walked away and continued to ready my classroom. After a few minutes, I went back and saw her using a ruler to make measurements, worrying about each cut before making the cut, and being a bit more detail-oriented than I expected. It was my first clue as to how thorough she was and how much she would keep me on my toes when I finally had her as my student. And keep me on my toes she did. She always rose to any occassion I set up and defied my expectations. Now graduating and going to North Carolina State University, I think it's suitable that my first memory of her is of cutting out a star, because that's what she truly is, and I'm sure she'll continue to shine. - Farrell Alaina's attention to detail and obsession with perfection are qualities I hold eternal. As a student her classwork was just as artisically choregraphed as her performance as a dancer. I would welcome her help to change my bulletin board each year but quickly regretted accepting her help when I had to re-do a half inch border that was "crooked" She was meticulous and seamlessly managed her co-curricular tasks, college courses and regular classes. I remember when she walked into my room last year and declared that I could not have her sister in my family unless I adopted her as well. Who would have thought that she knew " Three little birds" I'm still awed that she sang Bob Marley's melody effortlessly. In the meantime I hum the song she taught me "No shirt, no shoes, no problem... The world awaits all the dynamic moves you have left Princess. -Lee Alaina is currently taking one of the most rigorous course loads amongst her peers, with two courses through the North Carolina School of Science and Math online program and with a face-to-face course at our local Community College. Alaina has also become a leader at the dance studio where she participates in competition dance by volunteering as a teacher’s assistant and by teaching classes to preschool dancers. - Tanner Congratulations Alaina! The world is at your fingertips so go out and make your mark on it. We will miss your ambition and drive but know we will be reading about you and your successes in the near future. #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
It's pretty sweet being a Warren New Tech Senior. Class of 2020!
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Tech Yeah!