Today, Warren New Tech would like to recognize Elijah Perry. Elijah is the type of student who can make anyone laugh. He has the ability to put a smile on one's face when they are having a bad day or lighten the mood when there is too much tension in the air. Elijah has so much potential and has the ability to do anything he sets his mind to. He is very honest so if you do not want to know the answer to a question you better not ask Elijah. During the summer of 2018 I remember working at my summer job and seeing a person's name tag said Perry. I worked with this person and found out after a couple weeks it was Elijah's father. He said some great things about his son. One thing that stuck out to me was the maturity of Elijah to talk to his dad honestly and openly about the things a man encounters in his life. I believe this will take him a long way. ~Evans Elijah is a smart and talented young man. He is always willing to offer assistance to a fellow classmate, oftentimes speaking up on their behalf. This is a good leadership quality that, once nurtured, will help him to be an effective voice for the voiceless. I believe Elijah will become a positive, influential and successful leader. - Waugh-Lewis Congratulations Elijah! We will miss your smile and humorous personality. We wish you all the luck in your future and whatever this world has in store for you. #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Calling all seniors... Seniors, please come back by the school tomorrow even if you came today because you have 2 more surprises waiting for you that were just delivered...
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today, Warren New Tech would like to recognize Kassidie Newell as our senior of the day. Kassidie is an all around great student with a heart of gold. She has the tendency to keep to herself unless she is interacting with adults or close friends. When Kassidie sees someone in need, classmate, teacher or even administration she always offers her help and is even willing to stay after school to get a job done. Beginning second semester Kassidie was living off of coffee and very little sleep in order to stay on top of her college classes and all that determination paid off. Kassidie plans on attending nursing school at Vance Granville Community College. Much to the dismay of the other “parents”, I had the fortune of drawing Kassidie’s name for Families this year. I was so proud of her competitive nature and creativity when it came to decorating our door for the Christmas Door Decorating contest. Kassidie’s enthusiasm and commitment to going above and beyond (literally), was so impressive! Not only was our door decorated, but we had an entire Gingerbread House to display! Thanks to Kassidie’s innovation and leadership, Tanner’s Thunder Trolls took victory in the 2019 Christmas Door Decorating Contest! - Tanner I have had the pleasure of watching Kassidie grow since she was a freshman at New Tech, and I cannot think of someone who has changed so much since they first walked through those doors. She is an extremely reliable friend and has shown her heart of gold over the years with helping teachers and her peers whenever she can. I will miss having her in my room for lunch everyday, having great conversations with her about her future and her life, and continuing to watch her grow. The people she'll care for in the future are in great hands, and I'm sure they'll feel her impact long after. - Farrell Congratulations, Kassidie! We will miss your helping hands at New Tech but know the people you will be taking care of in the future could not ask for a better, more reliable person. #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Don’t forget to turn in your Chromebooks, chargers, college textbooks, and work packets tomorrow and Friday between the hours of 9:00-4:00. Also, seniors tomorrow is your big day! Come by and pickup your graduation attire and senior week surprises! We can’t wait to see you all, we have missed you so much!
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today, Warren New Tech would like to recognize Roshene Mills as our senior of the day. Rocky is a student you can not help but notice when he walks down the hall yet he is modest and will simply smile when you offer him a compliment . He is an all around great kid who truly cares about his fellow classmates and teammates. Rocky has grown into a responsible young man who has the ability and determination to do anything he puts his mind to. I had the pleasure of being one of Rocky's Senior advisors this year. Rocky was always willing to do what I asked him to do in order to be in compliance although at times he would get frustrated he would pull through. He has such a loving personality which I always admire. He always seemed to be so calm and pleasant. I will miss seeing him in school and the hugs he would have to offer! Keep going Rocky. - A. Pommells Though I have only known Rocky for one year, I have a lot of admiration for the guy. He's very respectful and nice to everyone. I've never heard him say anything negative, rude or judgemental. He's very open minded and gets along with everyone. He has an admirable personality. I just know he's going to have a great life of building strong bonds and relationships with other people. -Wisler Roshene has demonstrated admirable growth and maturity. He has progressed from the shy unassuming 2016 freshman into a senior with drive and determination. He is well mannered, dependable and respectful. He has an unwavering commitment to sports that he finds difficult to resist even when injured. His charming smile illuminated my days! "Go rock the world Rocky!!"- Lee Rocky, is a generous, creative young man with a big heart. During the time that I have been at New Tech he has demonstrated the he is a "man of his word" . Be Proud of that... A man's word is his bond." Ms. Grantham Congratulations Rocky! Your smile and kind heart will be missed but we wish you all the luck in the world. We know with your determination you will do great things! #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today, Warren New Tech would like to recognize Victor Mata Jr. as our senior for the day. Victor is a quiet, gentle giant and has been since his elementary days at South Warren Elementary School. Victor has a sweet spirit but always has a serious look on his face. Victor has always applied himself in his academic studies and his determination and work ethic is what led to his acceptance to Barton College. Victor has been a joy to have as a student. He is hardworking, dedicated, and always goes above and beyond in the classroom. He's self motivated and shows team effort in being willing to help his peers. I'm excited to see the great things Victor will accomplish in the future. ~W. Turrentine I am amazed at how much growth I have observed in this young man in three years. Victor is extremely creative, artistic and devoted. He has a strong sense of self and is a fierce advocate for his peers. I will miss watching him make trees for Christmas doors or adding his competitive spirit to group tasks. -Lee In addition to his resilience and hard-working personality, Victor has many other character traits that make him special to our school community. Victor is always willing to lend a hand to help others and has a smile on his face when he performs various tasks. Taking dual-enrollment courses gives students more freedom with their school schedules and in the rare chance that Victor does have down-time, he can usually be found somewhere around the school making art for teachers doors and classrooms. Victor has even found a way to turn his passion for art into a way to give back to his school community. - Tanner Congratulations Victor! You made an impact on the students and staff during your time at Warren New Tech now it is time for you to make an impact on the world! #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Good evening parents, We will be hosting a virtual meeting on Wednesday, May 27th at 5:30 for 9th-11th grade students and parents. Please plan on joining us as we will discuss how grades will be determined and how your child's GPA will be impacted. The meeting will be recorded and uploaded to the school website if you are unavailable to join us next Wednesday. Students please check your email to submit the email address you would like for us to send the Zoom link to. There will be an Informational Session held for Parents and students pertaining to grading for the 2019—2020 school year. Please register using the link below to be sent the Zoom ID and Password. Attention: WNTHS Parents and Students May 27, 2020 @ 5:30 PM Via Zoom Informational Session ForStudents in Grades 9-11 Warren County Schools
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Zoom Invitation
Work Packets Due! Good afternoon Knights! We will be collecting work packets, Chromebooks and chargers this Thursday and Friday, May 21st and 22nd from 9:00-4:00. During this time students will be allowed to clean out their lockers and collect any personal belonging left in the school. Again, we look forward to seeing all students this week May 21st and 22nd from 9:00-4:00. If for some reason you are unable to come to the building Thursday or Friday, please reach out to me to schedule a different time.
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today, Warren New Tech would like to recognize Lucas Lynch as our senior of the day. Lucas is one of the most mannerable young men I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. At first, I thought Lucas was very shy until I got to know him and realized Lucas does not say much but when he does speak you better listen because he has something profound to say. Lucas is an outstanding student who applies himself daily in every class. Lucas has perhaps had the most compelling arc of any of the graduates at New Tech this year. He has grown into a very respectful young man who takes accountability of his actions, balances school and work, and uses his voice for his Native American community. I'm sure he will represent New Tech proudly as a Brave at UNCP. I am most proud of Lucas’ accomplishments representing the American Indian culture at his school, in his community and within the state of North Carolina. He is passionate about youth engagement in important decisions and encouraging youth to make a difference within their own communities. Lucas is currently serving as the Treasurer on the Red Earth Youth Council and is the Historian on the North Carolina Native American Youth Organization. His duties allow him the opportunity to meet with leadership and youth of tribes across North Carolina as often as every other weekend. For his Senior Project, Lucas hand-beaded a bandolier bag that he plans to give to his younger brother to wear with his regalia. - Tanner Congratulations Lucas! We wish you luck and know you will accomplish greatness with your determination and work ethic. #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today, Warren New Tech would like to recognize Jabrell Lee as our senior for the day. Jabrell is a mannerable young man who's smile will brighten anyone's day. He is a hard worker both with his school work as well as job outside of school. Jabrell is a natural leader and is willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. Jabrell always steps up and willingly serves on any committee or leads any activities asked of him. Jabrell plans on attending NC A&T in the fall. Jabrell is funny and always has a positive attitude. He is hardworking and very smart. He always speaks his mind and expresses concerns in the most mannerable way. Best wishes in the future. ~ W. Turrentine Jabrell may be one of the lowkey funniest kids to grace the hall of New Tech. He is extremely playful and has a great attitude that can lighten any situation, but knows when to get serious. He has learned to embrace his natural intelligence and demonstrated ownership of his ability to be an effective leader, and I know he will be a role model (and provide some comedic relief) at NC A&T. - Farrell Congratulations Jabrell! We wish you all the best and know you will do great things in your future. #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today, Warren New Tech would like to recognize Clinton Harrison Jr. as our senior of the day. Every morning Clinton walks into school and says "Good morning" no matter what kind of day he is having. Clinton is a rule follower 100% of the time and will not deviate from what is right no matter what his peers may say. Clinton amazes me when he presents because of his attention to detail and his ability to thoroughly explain his topic. Clinton has no problem voicing his opinion but he also has the ability to back his opinions up with facts that lead him to his conclusion. Clinton is the perfect example of a New Tech Knight because he demonstrates trust, respect, and responsibility daily. I admire Clinton's determination and his enthusiasm for learning. He takes his coursework seriously, he works well with his teachers and he overcomes adversities. Even when Clinton is challenged or faced with obstacles, he perseveres and overcomes. Although Clinton is quiet, he is not to be underestimated. Clinton has already demonstrated that he has the abilities, determination and grit to do amazing things! - Tanner Clinton has always astounded me. He is one of the most honest individuals I've encountered, and his compliments have a profound, gratifying effect on an individual due to just how honest he is. Even though he is relatively quiet, he makes sure his voice is heard whenever he notices anything unfair or unjust. Not only that, but his level of intellect and ability to think abstractly often stuns his audience and leaves them in quiet awe. I know that everyone he works with in the future will also be in awe of his brilliance, and I hope he continues to share these gifts with the world. - Farrell Congratulations Clinton! We wish you the best and can not wait to see the mark you make on this world! #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today for extended Teacher Appreciation Week, Warren New Tech would like to recognize our Social Workers, Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. Williams! Mrs. Andrews typically works with the high schools where Mrs. Williams normally works with the elementary schools but the two of them are such a wonderful team that they go wherever they are needed no matter where they are assigned. Neither are housed at Warren New Tech but they are only a phone call away if needed. Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. Williams conduct trainings for the staff across the district and are always coming up with ideas to help support teachers, students and parents. We are very fortunate to have such caring social workers who are active members of the community we serve. Thank you ladies for everything you do!
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today, Warren New Tech would like to recognize Kayson Hargrove as our Senior of the day. Kayson is a meek, mannerable young man who has a heart of gold, especially when it comes to his friends. He is they type of student every teacher wants on their roster because he puts forth effort in all of his classes and is actively engaged. Kayson plans to attend Wake Tech Community College in the fall where I know he will flourish. When Kayson first came to Warren New Tech, he was demure in nature and was not looking to be the center of attention. However, when it came to projects in the classroom, he would always use his niche knowledge of pop culture to make them engaging, and that's when his voice started to become firm and passionate. He has truly grown into a confident, vocal leader as a student ambassador (with an unparalleled level of sass and ability to eye-roll that I will thoroughly miss), and I know he will leave an impression on all those he meets at Wake Tech in the fall. - Farrell Kayson has many friends that he cares deeply about. He actively participates in school events and works great in groups, a trait that is important in a project-based learning environment. In all of our interactions, he has been respectful and attentive. Kayson has demonstrated his maturity and responsibility by managing a full student course-load which includes a dual-enrollment college course while also managing to work part-time outside of school. - Tanner Congratulations Kayson! We wish you the best and know your future will be bright because you have the drive to make sure all of your dreams come true! #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Congratulations! Class of 2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Congratulations! Class of 2020
Congratulations! Class of 2020
Congratulations! Class of 2020
Congratulations Class of 2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Congratulations! Class of 2020
Congratulations Class of 2020
Congratulations! Class of 2020
Congratulations! Class of 2020
Today for extended Teacher Appreciation week I would like to recognize Mr. and Mrs. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Watson joined the New Tech family this past July and we are so very fortunate to have them. They jumped right in without hesitation, like they have been apart of the faculty forever. Mr. and Mrs. Watson are constantly busy, taking care of the entire building and going above and beyond their job description daily. They have built relationships with the students and have gotten to know the students and deeply care for the safety and well-being of the students. Mr. and Mrs. Watson, we are so lucky to have you and we appreciate everything you do daily for the students and staff of Warren New Tech!
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Mrs. Watson
Mr. Watson
Today, Warren New Tech would like to recognize Juwan Hargrove as our Senior of the day. Juwan has made so much growth since his freshman year of high school and he takes pride in his growth. He always has the biggest smile on his face and truly has a heart of gold. Juwan is very self disciplined when he puts his mind to something and does not give up even when the situation gets tough. During Juwan's first season running track he was determined to increase his stamina and strength. He isn't one of the quiet ones and he knows when to express himself. One thing I admire about him is his effort: to eat healthier, to focus on each workout, and to make it count. ~Evans Juwan has a very strong sense of self. He aspires to acquire a basketball scholarship to college. He is a true example of intrinsic motivation as he persistently projects a positive self image. His maturity is commendable; he engages in introspection and celebrates his personal progress. He is unafraid to look back at his mistakes but he also looks forward to his goals with confidence. - Lee Congratulations, Juwan! Your smile will be greatly missed in the hallway of New Tech but we wish you all the best in your future. #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Good evening, Thank you so much for attending our meeting tonight! It was so wonderful seeing you. If you were unable to attend, we will be posting a recording of tonight's session. For your review, here are links and attachments that we discussed in tonight's meeting: Warren County Schools Guidance for Graduating Seniors - The Powerpoint presentation that we used this evening Warren County Student Graduation Guide - Specific information regarding graduation on May 30 WNTHS Decision Day Form: Yearbook Order: FAFSA Town Hall Meeting: Live meeting by CFNC to discuss FAFSA and Financial Aid options Admit Zooom Meetings: These are for students who have committed and plan to attend the hosting college/university in the fall. I will send out more as I get them. Strawbridge Studios, Inc: Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any additional questions. My best, Mrs. Tanner
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Calling all students!!!! Next week we will be collecting ALL work packets along with student chromebooks, chargers and college textbooks. Students will be required to turn in ALL work packets and Chromebooks between the hours of 9:00-4:00 on Thursday and Friday, May 21st and 22nd. During this time students will be able to clean out their lockers and seniors will be able to pick up their cap and gowns. We can't wait to see you all next week! Stay safe and stay well!!!
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today for our extended Teacher Appreciation Week I would like to recognize my two right hands, Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Tanner!!! Mrs. Harris and I joined New Tech together three years ago and I could not ask for a better Administrative Assistant. Mrs. Harris is the picture of what we consider "home grown" because she is a 2012 alumna of New Tech. She completes task before I even have the chance to ask her to do so, it's like she is a mind reader. The students absolutely love and respect her and she feels the same way about them. She is calm under pressure; I have never seen her get upset or anxious about anything. She is always professional and polite even when dealing with irate parents and/or students. She is truly the calm in the storm. I could go on and on about everything she does not only for me but everyone in the building but instead I will simply say, Mrs. Harris you are valued and appreciated more than you will ever know! Mrs. Tanner has been a true asset to the students, staff, and families of Warren New Tech. She advocates for all students and spends countless hours researching resources for our students. She works very closely with all of our students but especially Juniors and Seniors getting ready for college and students who need small group counseling sessions. She is also a resource for teachers to bounce ideas off of and even to get ideas for their most difficult situations. Mrs. Tanner is the guru for 504 plans and most helpful with MTSS. Above all the duties she has to do which are included in her job description, Mrs. Tanner truly loves serving the students in Warren County and it shows by how invested she becomes. Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Tanner, thank you for everything you do. I would truly be lost without the two of you!!!
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High