Good morning Knights! This week is teacher appreciation week! Please take time to reach out to your teachers and let them know how much you appreciate them. Also this week we will begin recognizing each senior so please make sure you are checking WNTHS social media pages so you can help us honor our seniors as well as our teachers!
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Calling all seniors... Seniors, we need you to check your email and respond to Mr. Evans by tomorrow. We are working on creating a Decision Day video so we can spotlight you on social media. Seniors, this is your senior year and we are trying very hard to help you make memories and make your senior year rememberable. You have worked very hard and deserve to be recognized so please help us recognize you.
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Good morning Knights! Please do not forget to sign in to your virtual classes this week. These classes are required along with you completing and submitting work regularly. For those of you with packet work we will be putting a system in place for you to drop off your work and pickup new work. School is still in session and you are still expected to work.
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Good morning Knights! Mrs. Tanner and Mrs. Wilker will be at school today from 9:00am-3:00pm if you need to pick up anything from the office or your locker. Also, make sure you are getting your work completed because the end of term five was Wednesday and teachers are working on your grades. Also, remember to log into your virtual classes at the scheduled time. If for some reason you can not log in at the scheduled time reach out to your teacher to make other arrangements. Stay safe and stay well!
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
The staff at WNTHS participated in a virtual PD with their New Tech Network coach today to discuss how we can prepare our agendas to engage our students in virtual learning.
about 4 years ago, Warren County Schools
Virtual Classes Good morning! I hope you all are having a terrific Thursday! Parents, this week we started with virtual classes for all courses. You will find the virtual class meeting schedule posted on the website and it was also emailed to the students on Monday. Please encourage your child to login to the virtual classes daily so they can continue learning. Also, Mrs. Wilker and Mrs. Tanner will be in the building tomorrow from 10am-3pm if you need to pickup anything or if you need to speak to one of us. Stay safe and stay well.
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
"Meating the Need" Community Chicken Sale. May 1st beginning at 9:00 am at Warren County Middle School. check out the flyer for information.
about 4 years ago, Warren County Schools
Food Lion will partner for the second time with Warren County Schools for a gift card giveaway. On April 30, 2020 from 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., $20 Food Lion gift cards will be given out at Warren County High School. The gift cards will be given out on a first-come, first-served basis when parents pick up student meals. There will be a limit of one gift card per vehicle. Parents are asked to remain in their cars when picking up meals and gift cards. For more information, contact Andre Stewart at 252-257-3184, ext. 1227.
about 4 years ago, Warren County Schools
Food Lion
Check out Mrs. Tanner’s latest newsletter with important college information for seniors:
over 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Good afternoon Knights! Welcome back to virtual learning! I hope you all had a restful spring break and are ready to knock out the last 9 weeks on a positive note. Parents, this is a reminder that school is not over and your student has work that he/she should be working on daily. Please make sure your child is logging onto Echo daily and completing assignments as well as joining virtual meetings weekly. Again, the expectation is for your child to be working virtually (if you have access) or completing paper-pencil packets so he/she can complete the requirements to receive credit for classes he/she is currently enrolled in. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. As always, stay safe and well!
over 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Google is providing resources for teachers and parents to engage support student learning while they are at home.
over 4 years ago, Warren County Schools
No broadband access? These remote learning lessons will be broadcasted next week on TV! NCDPI is working on links so you can print corresponding activities for your students at home watching the televised lessons! #remotelearning #athomelearning #NCEd
over 4 years ago, Warren County Schools
WNTHS Class of 2020, please check your student emails for important senior information and updates.
over 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Parents, if you do not have internet and need to pickup an educational packet for your child please email me at or call me at 2524326359 to make arrangements for pickup.
over 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Attention Students and Parents: The Warren County School's Child Nutrition Department will have Meal Service pick-up at only ONE site during Spring Break April 6-9, 2020. The site will be Warren County High School Monday 4/6 - Thursday 4/9 from 10:30 am until 3:00pm. ALL sites will be CLOSED Friday 4/10 and Monday 4/13 for Spring Break.
over 4 years ago, Warren County Schools
Parents, we are here at the school today so come by and pickup your child’s educational packets if your child does not have internet access at home. We will be here until 4:00. If you can not come during this time frame please email me at so we can make other arrangements.
over 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Parents, you can come by the school tomorrow between 9:00-3:00 to pickup educational packets for your student. If you need an additional date and/or time please email me at to make other arrangements
over 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Attention Parents and Students. Click on the link below to review questions concerning the Coronavirus.
over 4 years ago, Warren County Schools
Good morning Knights! I wanted to check on you all and make sure you have everything you need. I'm sure you all are aware we can not come back to school prior to May 15th so I wanted to make sure you are logging into Echo daily and completing your work. Parents, we will have additional work packets for your child ready for pickup beginning next week. Please stay tuned for more information. Also, if you need anything please email me at
over 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Tanner Tribune: Change is hard and can be really difficult to adjust to. Please know that I am still here as a resource and support to you. Each week, I am going to create a newsletter with different tips, ideas, and suggestions to help you with this transition. This week, I am focusing on the most important thing for you to do and that is taking care of yourself! Check out the newsletter for ideas and inspiration and let me know if you decide to give anything a try and how it worked out for you!
over 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High