Warren New Tech would like to recognize, Angel Gilchrist as our Senior of the day. Angel has been a dedicated student who has strived for excellence since her elementary years at Mariam Boyd. She is a natural leader at New Tech and does not hesitate to offer suggestions or advice to her peers. I have had the opportunity to watch Angel blossom into a young woman who has the ability to advocate for herself and others in a rational, respectful manner. She has the ability to think before she speaks, a trait that is difficult even for adults. Without any doubt, this is the Senior I will remember the most and the one I ended up getting along the best with. She will always be "Mi hija". I will miss our dad and daughter talking so much and her way too loud "PADRE" at school. (Mr. De Avila) "Hey Ma". That was the very loud greeting I received every day from Angel. It usually came with a big hug and a huge smile. When Angel was not in the classroom, everyone knew it. She was missed. Angel is very outspoken, always has questions and is an advocate for fairness. She consistently made sure her online work was done on time and her grades were above average. When she completed her daily assignments and was "bored", that is when I had to say, "Angel sit down; Angel not so loud; Angel leave Jabrell alone", and even "Angel go to sleep". She will respond, "Ok ma". I will definitely miss that very vocal leader, who I am sure will make a very bold impact on the campus of NC A&T. (M. Joseph) I associate Angel with her bubbly personality. Each morning as Angel enters the school, she greets me with a warm smile and an enthusiastic “Good morning, Mrs. Tanner!”. What I have enjoyed most about working with Angel, is that she does a great job of advocating for herself. She has sought out many opportunities to support her college ambitions and she continues to appropriately seek assistance from myself, our college advisor and her teachers when she needs it. - Tanner Congratulations Angel! We are so very proud of the very gifted, young woman you are and know you have a very bright future ahead of you. #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Good evening New Tech families! This is a friendly reminder that we will have a senior Zoom session tomorrow, May 12th @ 5:00pm. During this session we will go over grades and requirements for seniors as well as discuss graduation. During this session Students and parents will learn when graduation will take place, where it will be held and all other logistics for graduation. It is very important that students and parents join this meeting. Also, all work packets and Chromebooks must to turned into the school next Thursday and Friday, May 21st and 22nd between the hours of 9:00-3:00. Submitting work packets is essential in determining eligibility for earning credits. Also, no student will receive report cards or transcripts until his/her Chromebook has been returned to the school along with the charger.
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
We will extend Teacher Appreciation into this week because our fabulous staff deserves more than just 1 week. Today I would like to recognize two incredible educators who work very closely with students to meet their individual needs, Mrs. Grantham and Mrs. Joseph. Mrs. Grantham was a retired educator from Franklin County Schools. We hit the jackpot three years ago when she agreed to come out of retirement to join the New Tech Family. Mrs. Grantham runs the Academic Lab and even though on paper Mrs. Grantham is a "part-time" teacher, she donates her own personal time to ensure her students have everything they need. She is known among the students as "Grandma" to her school family "Mrs. G." to most students and my personal favorite "The Snitch" to her students she works the closest with. Mrs. Grantham does not mind picking up the phone to call parents about the good, the bad, and even the ugly. Mrs. Grantham is much more than a teacher to our students, she is truly one of the most positive influences in our school. Thank you Mrs. Grantham for coming out of retirement to serve our students and their families. Mrs. Joseph is the face of New Tech. She has been a part of the New Tech Family for many years. Mrs. Joseph wears many hats at New Tech, any given day you can find her at the front desk, in her classroom or even covering for another teacher in their classroom. She so graciously coordinates Drivers Education for the students at New Tech as well as community service hours and internship hours. Whenever the students have a problem they run to Mrs. Joseph to tell her all about their troubles. Mrs. Joseph's classroom feels like home because it is so colorful and inviting and because Mrs. Joseph always has treats setting out for the students. Anyone who watches Mrs. Joseph interact with her students can see how much she truly loves them and wants the best for every child she meets. Thank you Mrs. Grantham and Mrs. Joseph for your all the work you do for our students at Warren New Tech. I had to recognize the two of you on the same day because both of you work very closely together and because you are the POD squad (along with Mr. Evans and Coach Thompson)!
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
The senior we would like to recognize today is Jonathan Evans. Jonathan has stood out among his peers as well as teachers during his tenure at Warren New Tech. He began his educational journey at Hollister Elementary School and joined Warren New Tech class of 2020 his freshman year in high school. He plans on attending East Carolina University in the fall. Congratulations Jonathan! I will remember Johnathan for several reasons. He is a very smart guy with quite a strong character who doesn’t mind speaking his mind or standing up for what he believes is right. I will miss his daily comments or jokes at the end of every single class about my clothes or shoes regardless of whether they were new, old, tight, loose. clean, etc. He just couldn’t stop messing with me, especially if Angel was around. His participation during our weekly school family meetings this year was outstanding and once again I could corroborate how honest and smart he is. Good luck Mr. Lechuga. (De Avila) Jonathan is simply unforgettable! I watched this young man mature into a confident, courageous activist. He has a strong sense of self and is undaunted when he identified acts of perceived injustice. He has a strong work ethic and dared to tackle amy academic challenge he encountered. His costume for the Christmas float was simply hilarious and is etched in my memory.- Lee In addition to his academic achievements, Jonathan has become a vocal activist within our school. He advocates for his friends, himself, and for changes within the school itself. The first time that I had the opportunity to talk individually with Jonathan was regarding his senior project. Jonathan recognized a problem within his school and community and came up with the idea to create an app that would connect youth to peer support when needed. - Tanner Congratulations Jonathan!! We wish you great success in your future and know you will accomplish anything you set your mind to!!! #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today Warren New Tech would like to recognize, Casey Elliott, as our Senior of the day. Casey is what one may consider the ideal student and has been since her elementary years at South Warren Elementary School. She is always on top of her work load and keeps her grades well above average. She has never been a discipline problem and is known for being a true loyal friend. Casey plans on attending Aveda Institute for Cosmetology in the fall. Casey's work ethic is unparalleled. She strove for excellence and was the perfect scholar. She held very high aspirations and never accepted mediocrity. She took responsibility for her success very seriously and never faltered on her work ethic. When she was absent, there was always an email with her completed tasks. I will never forget her excitement when we worked on the Christmas float last year. The world awaits this "go-getter" Lee Congratulations Casey!!! I know you are going to make your mark on this world! #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today I would also like to recognize two other Elective teachers, Mr. De Avila and Coach Thompson for Teacher Appreciation Week!!! Mr. De Avila also joined the New Tech Staff last school year. He is dedicated to immersing students not only in the Spanish language but in the Spanish culture as well. He has the ability to engage the students even when they say they do not want to learn Spanish. Mr. De Avila has created amazing projects that the students take pride in completing and presenting. Mr. De Avila also takes his role as a New Tech "parent" very seriously and keeps a very close eye on all his "children" that belong to him. Thank you Mr. De Avila for your dedication to Warren County. Coach Thompson has been a part of Warren County longer than I can remember. She is a native of the county and very loyal to her home. She has worked with the students at Warren New Tech for at least the past seven years. She has such a great personality and has the ability to push the students beyond what they think is their limit. Not only does she do an amazing job with our students at New Tech, she also is a phenomenal basketball coach as well as Athletic Director for the district. Coach Thompson wears many hats but my favorite hat of hers is being a part of the New Tech family! Thank you Mr. De Avila and Coach Thompson for your dedication to Warren County!!!!
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
De Avila
Today, I would like to recognize our Elective Teachers, Mr. Evans and Mrs. Turrentine, for Teacher Appreciation Week!!!! Mr. Evans joined the New Tech family last school year and we are so fortunate to have homegrown educators to work with our students. The students love Mr. Evans and thoroughly enjoy shooting and creating videos in Digital Media class. He has such a calm demeanor about him and is able to truly facilitate learning. Mr. Evans has his students working in collaborative groups with his engaging projects. Mr. Evans goes above and beyond to ensure his students are having fun while learning. Thank you Mr. Evans for giving back to your community by serving the students and parents of Warren County! Mrs. Turrentine is a staple at Warren New that holds us all together. Her knowledge goes beyond the classroom to the total operation of Warren New Tech School. She is one of the most veteran staff members in the building and her loyalty to the students of New Tech shines through every day. You will always find Mrs. Turrentine in her classroom early in the morning making sure she has everything prepared for the students. She has the most calm demeanor about her and the students and adults alike can sense it when they walk into her room. I have never heard Mrs. Turrentine raise her voice, because she does not have to. Her students know her expectations and they exceed her expectations daily. Teaching is definitely Mrs. Turrentine's calling and we are so grateful she chose to pursue her passion in Warren County. Thank you Mr. Evans and Mrs. Turrentine for being a part of the New Tech Family and for everything you do day in and day out for the students!
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today I would like to recognize our Science Department, Ms. Elswick and Mr. Wray, for Teacher Appreciation Week. Ms. Elswick is a first year teacher who joined New Tech by way of Teach for America. During our interview I could tell she was a go getter who was very enthusiastic but I had no idea how deeply her passion ran. Ms. Elswick puts in countless hours in her classroom, you can even find her in her classroom on any given weekend. She is works with her mentor to create engaging projects in hopes her students will develop a love of learning and a love of science that emulates hers. She always finds the positive in every situation and has worked all year with the students on instilling a growth mindset. Mr. Wray came from Jamaica to join our team at New Tech this year. He brought with him a love of Bob Marley and the attitude of "every little thing gonna be alright". You can find Mr. Wray in his classroom having fun with his students and engaging them in labs and learning by hands on exploration any given day. Mr. Wray enjoys learning from the students just as much as he enjoys educating them. It was so fun to watch as a group of Junior boys taught Mr. Wray all about a potato gun and even let Mr. Wray shoot the gun during the Science Fair. Thank you Ms. Elswick and Mr. Wray for joining our team and becoming New Tech Knights!!!
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Warren New Tech would like to honor Sha`Kera Davis as our Senior of the day. I remember Sha`Kera as a third grader at South Warren Elementary School. She was just as sweet with such a kind spirit then as she is now. Sha`Kera has always had an infectious laugh that erupts throughout the hallway. I had the honor of having Sha`Kera as a member of my school family this year, and I must say she was always willing to participate in the activities that were planned without any complaints. She has such a bubbly personality that always makes her peers laugh. I am sure whoever comes in contact with her will totally agree with me that her playful personality is one you would always want to be around. A.Pommells Sha`Kera is just a jovial, jubilant soul. She would test my patience but knew her boundaries. Whenever she felt she was on the fence of those markers, She would quickly pull herself back. She was extremely affectionate and her laugh was contagious. Lee Congratulation Sha`Kera! May you continue to shine and do amazing things! #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today, I would like to recognize our Social Studies department, Ms. Wisler and Mrs. Duld, for Teacher Appreciation Week! Ms. Wisler is a first year teacher who came to Warren New Tech straight out of college. Her eagerness to engage her students in meaningful projects is shaping her into an educator students will always remember long after they graduate from high school. Thank you Ms. Wisler for giving your students 100% day in and day out. Mrs. Duld came to Warren New Tech from Pennsylvania. She is also a first year teacher but teaching is her second career. She has a love for teaching and is very passionate about equity and equality in education. Mrs. Duld engages parents in their child's education by reaching out to parents weekly. She puts in countless hours in her classroom after school to ensure she is prepared. She has the ability to create engaging projects that spark the natural curiosity in her students. There is something about a first year teacher's enthusiasm and eagerness to conquer the world that makes us realize that no program, no piece of technology could possibly replace a teacher. Thank you Ms. Wisler and Mrs. Duld for accepting your calling to be an educator and for choosing Warren County to call home.
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today Warren New Tech would like to recognize, Jarvis Branch. Jarvis is a light hearted, quiet young man who always has a laid back personality. It is very rare to see a young man with such a controlled temper but I have never seen Jarvis upset instead he always has a go with the flow attitude. Jarvis always has a contagious smile on his face and has the ability to share his smile with people he passes in the hallway. I had the honor of having Jarvis as a member of my Tanner's Thunder Trolls Family this school year. I will always remember him for being so patient with his "siblings" and always being willing to lend a helping hand without even having to be asked. - Tanner Congratulations, Jarvis! We will miss seeing your smile at New Tech. #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Calling all seniors and parents!!!! I know you all are curious about your senior's grades and GPA since COVID-19. We will be holding a Zoom session next Tuesday, May 12th at 5:00pm to explain the new grading guidelines and to answer any questions you may have. A Google Document will be sent out to your senior via their school email so they can tell us where they would like for us to send the Zoom link. Please plan on attending our Zoom session at 5:00pm on May 12th so we can answer any questions you may have.
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Senior Meeting
Today, I would like to recognize our Math department for teacher appreciation week. Mrs. Pommells and Mrs. Lewis came in this year, new to North Carolina, new to New Tech but not new to teaching. When I had virtual interviews with both ladies, I knew they had a deep love for teaching and a positive energy about them but I was mesmerized by both of them once I saw them in action. Mrs. Pommells has gotten all of her students excited about math and they are always engaged whenever I go into her room. Mrs. Pommells builds positive relationships with her students and because of that relationship her students have a desire to learn and grow and please her. Mrs. Lewis took on the challenge of teaching upper level math. She teaches Juniors and Seniors which are much calmer than the Freshmen and Sophomores but they come with their own challenges. Mrs. Lewis has a way of applying math to the real world to get the students interested and engaged. She also builds positive relationships which makes her more than just a teacher but a mentor as well. Thank you Mrs. Pommells and Mrs. Lewis for all you do for our students at Warren New Tech! You fit into our school family perfectly!
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today, Warren New Tech would like to honor Ryan Baskerville. Ryan has a "voice" literally and figuratively that is louder than most and he is not afraid of using his "voice" to stand up and fight for what he believes in. Ryan has been a student ambassador since he was a freshman and when I think about what a New Tech Knight looks like, I think of Ryan. He keeps us all on our toes all the time! Ryan plans on attending NC State in the fall though he was accepted to NUMEROUS other colleges. When I first met Ryan, he was an incoming freshman who came into a staff meeting before the school year started. He loudly (and politely) introduced himself to everyone and proceeded to ask a list of questions way too long for anyone to answer. It's safe to say I feared his energy and drive based on this first impression, and I was content with not teaching the freshmen class that year. Since then, that drive and energy has landed him at North Carolina State Univeristy in the fall, and I am proud to have witnessed his anything but quiet journey. Just like Shangela, I know he will continue to make the whole world scream halleloo! - Farrell I admire Ryan's ability to speak for what he believes knowing he may be the only one in the room to have this belief. He has a natural curiosity and a love for learning. He is never afraid to speak his mind and is a completely blunt, Ryan Baskerville. - Wisler I first met Ryan three years ago when I visited Warren New Tech High School with a group of 8th grade students as they were beginning to make the choice of which of the three high schools they would be attending. Ryan was one of the Student Ambassadors that sat on the panel and gave the tours. I remember how impressed I was with his confidence and his enthusiasm about his education and his school. Over the next three years, I look forward to having Ryan as our tour guide during our annual visit to New Tech. When I made the decision to join the Warren New Tech faculty, he was one of the students that I was the most excited to work with and get to know. - Tanner Congratulations Ryan! #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
It's School Nurse Appreciation Day!!! Warren New Tech would like to give a huge shout out to Nurse Williams!! Nurse Williams goes above and beyond for all students in Warren County. She has her scheduled times when she in the building but she is on call ALL the time. She is always patient and kind and gives her undivided attention no matter if she is working with a student or staff member. We are very fortunate to have such a caring and experienced nurse. Thank you, Nurse Williams, for all you do for the students and staff members of Warren County!!!
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Nurse Williams
Nurse Williams
It's teacher appreciation week and today I would like to recognize our English Department, Mr. Farrell and Mrs. Lee. Mr. Farrell and Mrs. Lee have the reputation of being brutal but they also have the reputation of pushing students and getting results. These two educators have very high expectations and hold their students accountable. I have SO many students who complain about the workload that Mr. Farrell gives or the projects that Mrs. Lee assigns but I have seen those same students come back after graduation to say they were prepared for college after their English classes at WNTHS. Thank you Mr. Farrell and Mrs. Lee for your dedication to the students at WNTHS!
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Today Warren New Tech would like to recognize Shariyahn Bailey. Shariyahn has stepped up to be a true leader this school year. Shariyahn pushes through even on the days she does not have the energy to do so. I have seen so much growth in Shariyahn and I know she will have a bright future because she is a go getter and hard worker. I will always remember Shariyahn's great piece of help and participation when she was added to my school family during her Junior year. Additionally, She was usually a challenging student who made me grow as a teacher. Among many moments, I will also remember the day she decided to participate in a project because she felt connected with the activity, the funny thing is she had been angry with me and it had been a week since she didn't say a word in class. After that day she was back on track and laughing out loud as usual. (Mr. De Avila) Congratulations, Shariyahn! #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
Food Lion Gift Card Giveaway at Warren Co.High School on Friday, May 8th. Gift cards are limited to one per car. This is done in conjunction with our breakfast/lunch meal pickup. Check out the flyer. THANK YOU FOOD LION! for your generous support.
about 4 years ago, Warren County Schools
It's Teacher Appreciation Week!!! I would like to give a shout out to the best team around, the staff at New Tech! Thank you for all you do every day to make sure our students succeed. I love working with such an amazing group of educators!
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
The first senior we will recognize this week is, John Adcock. John is the type of person who is always polite to everyone he encounters and is always willing to go the extra mile. John has exceeded both socially and academically during his tenure at New Tech. He is an all around exceptional student who has a very bright future because of his strong work ethic. John is one of the seniors that I will always remember. Apart from his commitment to his academic work, how can I forget the dancing moves he and his friends often taught me in class?! Priceless.-Wray John's calm demeanor and polite personality has earned him a special place in my heart since 2016. John was the consumate student who was willing to go the "extra mile" to help me complete a project. He was very hands on and got excited about putting practical skills to a learned theory. I will never forget his spirit of community and his unquestionable generosity. - Lee Congratulations John #WNTHSCLASSOF2020
about 4 years ago, Warren New Tech High
John Adcock