Teachers, students, and families should know our plan for remote learning in case school buildings have to close. Remote learning means that students will do school assignments at home instead of going to school. North Carolina law allows school districts to use up to 5 remote learning days if inclement weather prevents teachers and students from safely going to school in person.
By using remote learning days instead of canceling school, students do not have to miss instructional hours. This allows us to keep the school year on schedule without losing days during Spring Break or adding days to the end of the school year to make up missed school days during inclement weather.
Remote Learning Plan Overview
On Inclement Weather Remote Learning Days:
Students should check their Google Classroom for assignments or complete learning packets.
Completed work will count as attendance. All work must be completed and submitted within 5 days of returning from the remote learning day.
Join available help sessions if you need assistance.
Teachers will | Students will |