Smiley face with text bubbles saying "We want your feedback." Text: District Improvement Plan. Warren County Schools, NC. 1885
NC Countdown to College. October 2024. College Application Week: Oct. 21, 7:30 a.m. - Oct. 27, 11:59 p.m. College Foundation of North Carolina. Background image shows happy students wearing graduation caps and gowns.
Image: Cell phone going into a gray Smart Pouch. Text: As students enter school, they place their phone in their assigned Smart Pouch. Image #2: Finger about to push a button on the Smart Pouch. Text #2: Students close and secure their Pouch, keeping it on them throughout the day. Image #3: A smart pouch with an arrow directing you to place the pouch on top of a base. Text #3: When leaving school, students tap their Pouch on a Base to retrieve their phone.
Smiling middle school girl. Text: Warren County Schools Listening Sessions. Monday, Oct. 21. .Warren County High School. Wednesday, Oct. 23. Warren County Middle School. 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Learn how we will improve students’ academic performance. Academic update Where are we academically? Where are we going? What do we need? Talk with Interim Superintendent Dr. Montague-Davis. Hear about our new cell phone management plan. Strongly encouraged for middle and high school students and families. Warren County Schools, NC. Champions for Children with kindness
Schools Closed written on a post-it note, with a calendar and clock in the background
blue background with four large up arrows and an A+ in a circle. Text: 2023-2024 Academic Achievements. A+ Warren Early College High School. 2nd year in a row! Increased district 5th grade science proficiency. Increased district overall math proficiency. Increased district overall student preformance - 3rd year in a row! Increased district overall English II proficiency. Warren County Schools, NC. Champions for Children with kindness.
Pictures of Dr. Montague-Davis with students and families. Images of balloons and gold stars. Text: Please join us to meet and greet Dr. Carol Montague-Davis, Interim Superintendent. Monday, September 9 from 5-7pm. Central Services Office. 109 Cousin Lucy's Ln. Warrenton, NC 27589
A greeting from Dr. Carol Montague-Davis, Interim Superintendent. Picture of Dr. Montague-Davis
Text: Warren County Middle School moved to elementary calendar. August 26 - First day of school for students. August 19 - Employees report to work. Image shows an August calendar with Aug. 26 circled in red.
Picture of Dr. Carol Montgue-Davis standing between two high school students
Text: All schools and offices are closed. Remote work day for staff. Image shows computer keyboard, iphone, earbuds, glasses, notepad, and post-it notes.
Text: School Supply List. Student Supplies: Spiral notebook, package of loose-leave paper, 1 inch three-ring binder, highlighters (2), box of #2 pencils, box of pens, folders with pockets (4), pack of dividers. Optional Student Supplies: Colored pencils, package of index cards, pack of sticky notes, student planner. Optional Classroom Supplies: box of dry erase markers, box of Kleenex (2). Decorative images of a pencil, paperclip, and scissors. Warren County High School logo with a WC and an eagle flying.
Picture of Dr. Carol Montgue-Davis. Text: Welcome home. Dr. Carol Montague-Davis. Interim Superintendent. Warren County Schools, NC. 1885.
Image: empty parking spaces and a Student Parking by permit only sign. Text: Buy your parking pass now! Parking passes sold in the WCHS front office  Aug. 5-9 between 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. $30 cash Must meet academic requirements Parent and student must sign a parking agreement More info on the school website:
Text: Register NOW for Wednesday, July 31 or Thursday, August 1. 9th Grade Eagle Camp. Warren County High School. Image: Warren County High School logo showing a W and C with an eagle flying in front of it.
Smiling school cafeteria employee serving a tray with a cheeseburger and fries. Text: Free! Summer meals for ages 0-18
A happy child sitting on a woman's lap at a table with a bowl of strawberries and a glass of orange juice. They look like they are happy and celebrating. Text: The new SUN Bucks food assistance program is coming to North Carolina! NCDHHS. SUN Bucks logo with a fork and knife.
Picture of a group of students standing and smiling with their teacher's arms around them. Text: Summer Learning. Free camps for students. Register now! All Grades.
Picture of a student wearing headphones, typing on a computer keyboard, and smiling. Background image of students lined up to get on a Warren County school bus. Text: 2024-25 Superintendent's Budget Proposal. Public Hearing Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 6 p.m. at Warren County Middle School.