No One Eats Alone Day was a huge success for "Start With Hello Week".
over 5 years ago, Warren County Middle
No One Eats Alone Day was a huge success!
No One Eats Alone Day
2019-2020 Volleyball Schedule
over 5 years ago, Warren County Middle
2019-2020 Volleyball Schedule
Yesterday, we celebrated Day 2 of "Start with Hello" week! We renamed yesterday "Hey Day", every student and staff member had a name tag and were encouraged to call one another by their first name! We are creating positive connections at WCMS!!
over 5 years ago, Warren County Middle
8th grade student enjoying "Hey Day"!
6th grade students enjoying "Hey Day"!
8th grade student enjoying "Hey Day"!
Media Center Staff and their Bulletin Board honoring Hispanic Heritage Month!
over 5 years ago, Warren County Middle
Linda Carter (PUMC Circle of Joy) and Colleen Neuer (School Counselor)
over 5 years ago, Warren County Middle
Providence United Methodist Church Circle of Joy
We are proud to announce our partnership with Providence United Methodist Church Circle of Joy who donated a box of school uniforms to WCMS!!
over 5 years ago, Warren County Middle
Brian Hamilton speaks to students at Warren County Middle School about what it takes to become an Entrepreneur. Check his program out at
over 5 years ago, Warren County Schools
Spanish 1 students understanding the art style of Fernando Botero with creating their own artwork!
over 5 years ago, Warren County Middle
Finished painting of Fernando Botero style!
Spanish 1 student working hard on his painting!!!