We have moved some things around on our website. So that each teacher can have a centralized location for documents and links, we have created folders for each teacher. Please go to documents at the bottom of the main page, then choose At Home Learning Resources, then choose the grade level, then choose your child's teacher's name.
over 4 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Breaking News! The State Board of Education met yesterday and voted to end the contract with iStation. Effective immediately, we will no longer be using iStation. Students in kindergaten through grade 5 should now use iReady for both reading and math for online practice.
over 4 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Breaking News
We have your second packets ready and waiting for you! We are here until 4 pm today and are available tomorrow from 8 am to 4 pm also. Please bring your 1st packet to turn in so your teachers can grade those materials.
over 4 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Packets ready for pickup.
Attention Students and Parents: The Warren County School's Child Nutrition Department will have Meal Service pick-up at only ONE site during Spring Break April 6-9, 2020. The site will be Warren County High School Monday 4/6 - Thursday 4/9 from 10:30 am until 3:00pm. ALL sites will be CLOSED Friday 4/10 and Monday 4/13 for Spring Break.
over 4 years ago, Warren County Schools
The web address for NCKids Digital Library is https://nckids.overdrive.com/ . You will need to choose Warren County Memorial Library when you sign in.
over 4 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
If you need access to more books, you can call the Warren County Memorial Library at 252-257-4990 and ask for Mrs. Alston, tell her you are a Vaughan parent and ask her for an NCKids Digital Library number to allow your child to get access to more books. Happy Reading!
over 4 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Warren County Schools Digital Library is available to you at https://warrennc.libraryreserve.com/10/45/en/SignIn.htm?url=Default.htm Your child will just need their powerschool or library number to log in. If you don't have it, please message Mrs. Paynter and she will get it for you.
over 4 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Fourth and Fifth Graders who have Mrs. Allen - she has released a newsletter. Please find it here: https://5il.co/efdz
over 4 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Accelerated Reader (AR) Info We have lifted restrictions on Reading Levels for students. So this means students can take tests on books even if they are not their reading level. Also, we have taken the time restrictions off so students can take tests at anytime of the day or night. To get to Accelerated Reader go to https://hosted11.renlearn.com/37197 If you want to know if a books has an AR test, you can go to ARBookfinder.com , choose parent or student and then type in the name of the book and it will tell you if there is an AR test or not.
over 4 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
I had some parents say that their kids couldn't do iReady on an android tablet. Here's a little video to show how to still use your android tablets to do iReady. Sorry it has lots of extraneous noise. My kids were working on their classwork inside so I went outside to record. You'll hear cars going by. https://youtu.be/SgmVc8a-KP8
over 4 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Mrs.Evans's students: Mrs. Evan's has updated a webpage with new material for you. Please visit it at https://mrsevans125.weebly.com
over 4 years ago, Trina Paynter
Please check out the latest edition of the Counselor's Corner: https://5il.co/e8w5
over 4 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Attention Parents and Students. Click on the link below to review questions concerning the Coronavirus. https://5il.co/e7qf
over 4 years ago, Warren County Schools
Our February/March Newsletter is now available:https://www.smore.com/kn64j
over 4 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
We have opened the access to Accelerated Reader so that students can take tests throughout the day and night, as well as weekends. Also, we have taken the reading level limits off so students will no longer be limited to taking tests just on their reading level.
over 4 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
If you are having a problem with a technology issue with iStation or iReady, you can call Mrs. Paynter. Her number is 252-629-1336. She will be glad to assist you in any way she can.
over 4 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
We heard some parents are having problems with logging in to iStation. Mrs. Paynter made a video to show you what the problem may be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTKdnhop4P0
over 4 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Attention Parents and Students. There is a change in the times for food distribution at Vaughan Elementary, Northside K-8 and Warren County High School. The new times for pickup is Monday - Friday from 10:30 am - 3:00 pm.
over 4 years ago, Warren County Schools
The WCS School Board would like to thank Dr. Young for her leadership during this unprecedented and difficult time. THANK YOU to all Administrators, Teachers and Staff for their dedication to our children and their families during this global crisis. We are, TOGETHER STRONG !
over 4 years ago, Warren County Board of Education
over 4 years ago, Trina Paynter