Christmas Parent Luncheon today beginning at 11:00 am with second grade. All parents are welcome to come and eat lunch with your child. Family Reading Night is tonight from 6-7:30 pm. Come and read with your child.
over 4 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Tomorrow night from 6 to 7:30 pm is Family Reading Night. Come out, read with your child and watch them take an AR test. Every child who comes gets a free book! Hope to see you there!
over 4 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Congratulations to Anna Grace who received 2nd place at the state level from the North Carolina School Board's Association Poster Contest. She was recognized at the Warren County Board of Education meeting last night.
over 4 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
L to R: Linda Byrd, Ebony Talley-Brame, Renee Mizelle, Anna Grace Paynter and Dr. Mary L. Young
Congratulations to Anna Grace Paynter who won First Place for 3rd Grade at the District Science Fair this afternoon
over 4 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Dr. Linda Mason with Anna Grace Paynter and Mr. Stanley Harrelll
Soil and Water Posters are due Monday, December 9th for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders. December 12th - 2nd and 3rd Grade Parent Luncheon beginning at 11:00 am December 20th - 12:30 Dismissal
over 4 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Awesome library volunteer!
over 4 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Awesome library volunteer helping get new books ready!
Thanks to all of our awesome volunteers hard at work!
over 4 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Awesome volunteers at VES!!
Busy at work with students!
Busy working with students!
Volunteers helping get books back on the shelf!
Don't forget Wednesday is a make-up day for the hurricane day we missed in September. It is an early release at 12:30 pm!
almost 5 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Congratulations to our Science Fair Winners!
almost 5 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
left to right, Jayden Allen, N'Dia Settles, Jordon Freeman, Lilly Byrd, Mrs. Renee Mizelle Principal, and. Anna Grace Paynter.  Not pictured is D'Niyah Richardson
Congratulations to our Science Fair Winners in the Demonstrations Category!
almost 5 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Jayden Allen -Second Place Demonstrations
Jordon Freeman-Third Place Demonstrations
N'Dia Settles- First Place Demonstrations
Congratulations to our Science Fair Winners!
almost 5 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Lilly Byrd-Second Place Experiments
D'Niyah Richardson-Third Place Experiments
Anna Grace Paynter-First Place Experiments
Congratulations to our Science Fair Winners!
almost 5 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Anna Grace Paynter-First Place Experiments
Lilly Byrd-Second Place Experiments
D'Niyah Richardson-Third Place Experiments
Congratulations to our Science Fair Winners!
almost 5 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
D'Niyah Richardson-Third Place Experiments
Anna Grace Paynter-First Place Experiments
Lilly Byrd-Second Place Experiments
All Science Fair Projects are due for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders Thursday, November 21st before 9:00 am. Science projects cannot be transported on the bus. Good luck to all participants!
almost 5 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Thank you Mrs. Barbara Brayboy for coming out to read to our students for American Indian Heritage Month!
almost 5 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Mrs. Brayboy reading to our students in honor of American Indian Heritage Month.
Join us for Family Reading Night - Tuesday, November 5th from 6-7:30 pm. Readers are leaders!
almost 5 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Today Vaughan Staff wore pink in recognition of of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
almost 5 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Vaughan staff "Rockin Pink" in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness
Tonight is the night for Fall Festival!!! We can't wait to see everyone out tonight for all the food, fun, and festivities!!! Come on out and join us for a hotdog supper tonight starting at 5:30! We have games, the bounce house, face painting, the cake walk, the sweet shop, and more until 7:30 pm. Come on out and join us!!! Also, don't forget tomorrow is another 12:30pm dismissal for staff development. Please have someone at home to meet your child.
almost 5 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Just a reminder from the Fall Festival Committee... Don't forget that the Fall Festival is just 10 days away. We are still in need of donations from the grade levels. Also, our raffle ticket sales have been very low. Please sell as many as you can and send back to the school for more if you can.
almost 5 years ago, Vaughan Elementary
Just a reminder that we have 2 early release days coming up this next week. On Thursday, 10/17 and Friday, 10/18 students will be released at 12:30 pm for Parent Conferences. Please make arrangements to pick up your children or to have someone at home early.
almost 5 years ago, Vaughan Elementary